我的userform正在正确计算所有内容,但我正在尝试弄清楚如何格式化输出框,以便它只显示小数点后最多两位数的值(即$ 1.00)。目前,它最多显示小数点后的四位数或更多(如“总面积”,“税额”和“最终价格”文本框中所示)。
Public Sub SumTool()
Dim A, B, C, D, E, F As Double
Dim x As Double
Dim finalSum As Double
Dim addUp As Double
Dim BeforePercent As Double
Dim Prcnt As Double
Dim percentALT As Double
Dim percentSum As Double
Dim i As Integer
addUp = 0
finalSum = 0
BeforePercent = 0
x = 0
i = 0
'These are all area measurements
A = 280
B = 118
C = 96
D = 243
E = 38
F = 83
Do While i < 1
'These are checks to see if checkboxes in the userform are True/False and
'correspond to the area measurements above
If LR.Value = True Then
x = x + A
x = x
End If
If BR1.Value = True Then
x = x + B
x = x
End If
If BR2.Value = True Then
x = x + C
x = x
End If
If KT.Value = True Then
x = x + D
x = x
End If
If BA.Value = True Then
x = x + E
x = x
End If
If HALL.Value = True Then
x = x + F
x = x
End If
i = i + 1
'I have different calculations because the user has the option of
'whether they want to include tax or not. If they do not (first option)
'no special conversions have to take place. If they do, the program has to
'take the entry and convert it from 5 or 10 to 0.05 or 0.10 and then carry
'forward with the rest of the operations
If Me.Y.Value = False Then
Prcnt = 0
addUp = x
finalSum = addUp * Me.ProductPrice.Value
Me.FinalResultsBox.Value = finalSum
Me.SqFtBox.Value = addUp
Me.TaxAmountValue.Value = 0
Prcnt = Me.SalesTaxNumber.Value
addUp = x
percentALT = Prcnt * 0.01
BeforePercent = addUp * Me.ProductPrice.Value
percentSum = percentALT * BeforePercent
finalSum = BeforePercent + percentSum
Me.FinalResultsBox.Value = finalSum
Me.SqFtBox.Value = addUp
Me.TaxAmountValue.Value = percentSum
End If
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Me.FinalResultsBox.Value = Format(finalSum, "$0.00")