
时间:2017-07-21 22:01:27

标签: powershell


  1. 询问用户文件夹名称(foldername)和目标IP地址(targetipaddress)
  2. 如果“foldername”不存在,则在“C:\”drive
  3. 中创建“foldername”
  4. 使用“targetipaddress”作为目标路径的一部分,从网络驱动器路径的子文件夹“S:\”复制内容并粘贴到“C:\”路径中的“foldername”。
  5. 如果用户输入“quit”,则脚本完成。
  6. 我的代码如下:

    $var = "welcome to IP address and folder creation world"
    echo $var
    # create foldername until user type "quit"
    $output = (command)
    do { 
    $foldername = Read-Host "enter folder name "
    $targetipaddress = Read-Host "enter target ip address "
    # create folder name only if it does not exist
    function createFolder {
    $path = "\\$targetipaddress\C$\$foldername "
    If (!(Test-Path $path))
          New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force $path
    } # end of function createFolder
    # copy contents from a sub folder of a network drive path and
    # and paste them onto "C:\" drive path using "targetipaddress" and "foldername"
    function copyContents {
     Copy-Item S:\sourcefolder\subfolder\*.*  \\$targetipaddress\C$\$foldername\ -Recurse
     } while ($foldername = "quit") # end of do-while loop

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  • 回波?它应该是写主持人
  • 不必要和未使用的功能。
  • $ output =(command),它什么也没做。
  • 同时,我喜欢使用while($ true)并突破它。
  • 可选,错误处理。
  • powershell不使用=(我相信你的意思是==)用于等级逻辑但是-eq
  • 其他一些问题/变化。

  • 比较运算符请参阅Mike Sherrill'Cat Recall'的链接
  • Continue
  • Break

如果您在使用此代码时出错,请发送输入voor $ source,$ foldername,$ targetipaddress和$ path,我会查看它。


clear-host #clears your console, optional.
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" #prevents al lot of posible disasters from happening.

Write-Host "welcome to IP address and folder creation world" #Powershell way of writing to the console.

$source = "S:\sourcefolder\subfolder\*"
#$source = "C:\source\*" i used this for testing on my local machine.

# create foldername until user type "quit"
While ($true){ 


    "#Add some white space between the questions.

    $foldername = Read-Host "enter folder name "
    If ($foldername -eq "quit") {break} #exit the while loop

    $targetipaddress = Read-Host "enter target ip address " #you could use a hostname to.

    $path = "\\$targetipaddress\C$\$foldername"

    #if connection to targetipaddress fails then abort.
    if(!(Test-Connection $targetipaddress -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) #look at the ! it means it should be false.
        Write-Warning "Could not connect to '$targetipaddress'"
        continue #goes back to the begining of the while loop.

    #if path does not exist try to create it.
    if(!(Test-Path $path)) #look at the ! it means it should be false.
        try { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Split-Path -Parent $path) -Name $foldername | Out-null } #Out-null prevenst unwanted console output.
        catch {
            Write-Warning "Could not create folder '$foldername' on '$targetipaddress'"
            continue #goes back to the begining of the while loop.

    #try to copy files.
    try { Copy-Item -Path $source -Destination $path -Recurse -Force }
    catch {
        Write-Warning "An Error occured while copying the files from '$source' to '$path'"
        continue #goes back to the begining of the while loop.

    #if all goes well then tell them ;)
    Write-Host "files copied successfully from $source to $path"
