
时间:2017-07-19 13:36:38

标签: python-2.7 opencv

在这个original image上我试图创建一个黑色背景和白点的二进制图像,这样我就可以适应它们周围的曲线。 here is the image after thresholding, dilating, corroding and blurring

    erosion = cv2.erode(img,kernel,iterations = 500)
    edges = cv2.Canny(img,0,255)
    lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges, 1, np.pi/180, 0, 0, 0)
    for rho,theta in lines[0]:
        a = np.cos(theta)
        b = np.sin(theta)
        x0 = a*rho
        y0 = b*rho
        x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b))
        y1 = int(y0 + 1000*(a))   
        x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b))
        y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a))

        line = cv2.line(img,(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(0,0,255),2)

    cv2.imshow("blackwave.PNG", line)
    cv2.imwrite("blackwave.PNG", line)
    print 'Image could not be read'

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

作为我自己的学习练习,我花了一些时间试图解决这个问题的图像分析部分。在某些方面,我觉得有点不愿意给你一个解决方案因为我认为你已经显示出这种情况发生在你身上的效果 - 你还没有学会如何使用cv,所以你必须提出更多问题寻找解决方案,而不是弄清楚如何为自己调整代码。 OTOH如果不分享我所做的事情,我感到非常粗鲁。

不要请我改变/改进/让这个工作' - 这段代码可以做它所做的事情,如果你想让它做一些不同的事情然后进行编码:它现在已经完成了。




enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here



enter image description here





<强> CODE

import copy
import cv2 
import numpy as np
from skimage import measure

# seq is used to give the saved files a sequence so it is easier to understand the sequence
seq = 0

# utility to save/show an image and optionally pause
def show(name,im, pause=False, save=False):
    global seq
    seq += 1
    if save:
        cv2.imwrite(str(seq)+"-"+name+".PNG", im)
    if pause:

# utility to return True if theta is approximately horizontal        
def near_horizontal(theta):
    a = np.sin(theta)
    if a > -0.1 and a < 0.1:
        return True
    return False

# utility to return True if theta is approximately vertical
def near_vertical(theta):
    return near_horizontal(theta-np.pi/2.0)

# 1. read raw image, already grayscale
src = cv2.imread('sineraw.PNG',0)
show("src",src, save=True)

# 2. equalize the image in the first step to getting a binary (black/white) image
gray = cv2.equalizeHist(src)
show("gray",gray, save=True)

# 3. do an adaptive threshold to get a black/white image, still got lots of noise
# I tried a range of parameters for the 41,10 - may vary by image, not sure
dst = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray, 255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV,41,10)  
show("dst",dst, save=True)

# 4. perform an erosion to remove any very small dots of noise from the thresholded image
erode1 = cv2.erode(dst, None, iterations=1)
show( "erode1",erode1, save=True)

# 5. perform a connected component analysis on the thresholded image, then store only the "large" blobs into mask
labels = measure.label(erode1, neighbors=8, background=0)
# mask is initially all black
mask = np.zeros(erode1.shape, dtype="uint8")
# loop over the unique components
for label in np.unique(labels):
    # if this is the background label, ignore it
    if label == 0:

    # otherwise, construct the mask for this label and count the
    # number of pixels
    labelMask = np.zeros(erode1.shape, dtype="uint8")
    labelMask[labels == label] = 255
    numPixels = cv2.countNonZero(labelMask)

    # if the number of pixels in the component is sufficiently
    # large, then add it to our mask of "large blobs"
    if numPixels > 50:
        # add the blob into mask
        mask = cv2.add(mask, labelMask)
show( "mask", mask, save=True )

# 6. skeletonize mask into skel
img = copy.copy(mask)
element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS,(3,3))
done = False
size = np.size(img)
# the skeleton is initially all black
skel = np.zeros(img.shape,np.uint8)     
while( not done):
    eroded = cv2.erode(img,element)
    temp = cv2.dilate(eroded,element)
    temp = cv2.subtract(img,temp)
    skel = cv2.bitwise_or(skel,temp)
    img = eroded.copy()
#        show( "tempimg",img)
    zeros = size - cv2.countNonZero(img)
    if zeros==size:
        done = True
show( "skel",skel, save=True )

# 7. Now look for and overwrite near-horizontal and near-vertical lines with black
lines = cv2.HoughLines(skel, 1, np.pi/180, 100)
for val in lines:
    a = np.cos(theta)
    b = np.sin(theta)
    if not near_horizontal(theta) and not near_vertical(theta):
        print "ignored line",rho,theta
    print "line",rho, theta, 180.0*theta/np.pi
    x0 = a*rho
    y0 = b*rho
    # this is pretty kulgey, should be able to use actual image dimensions, but this works as long as image isn't too big
    x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b))
    y1 = int(y0 + 1000*(a))   
    x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b))
    y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a))
    print "line",rho, theta, 180.0*theta/np.pi,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2
# the final image is now in skel    
show("final",skel, pause=True,save=True)