--Pragmas are needed additionally for the project in which this snippet is included
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType, DataKinds, PolyKinds, ScopedTypeVariables,
FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, GADTs, TypeFamilies,
RankNTypes, LambdaCase, TypeOperators, TemplateHaskell,
ConstraintKinds, PolyKinds, NoImplicitPrelude,
UndecidableInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, GADTSyntax,
AllowAmbiguousTypes, InstanceSigs, DeriveFunctor,
FunctionalDependencies #-}
-- Algebra.Graph is from the algebraic-graphs package
import qualified Algebra.Graph as AG
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Singletons.TypeLits
import Data.Kind
data T (ln::Nat) c = T c
class Edge operation n o
-- This would be something like: (LengthIsValidPrime x ~ True, y ~ DependentlyTypedCalculationForOpabc x) =>
Edge (T l c) x y
data Flow :: * -> * where
Empty :: Flow (a)
Vertex :: (Edge a n o) => a -> Flow (a)
Connect ::
(Edge a x y, Edge a y z, Edge a x z) =>
Flow (a) -> Flow (a) -> Flow (a)
Overlay ::
(Edge a x y, Edge a y z, Edge a x z) =>
Flow (a) -> Flow (a) -> Flow (a)
type Test c = Connect (Vertex (T 24 c )) (Vertex (T 3 c))
--which fails with
-- • Illegal constraint in a type: Edge a0 x0 z0
-- • In the type ‘Connect (Vertex (T 24 c)) (Vertex (T 3 c))’
-- In the type declaration for ‘Test’
-- We want to be able to define a graph like so:
type InputNode c = Vertex (T 100 c )
type ForkNode c = Vertex (T 10 c )
type NodeB c = Vertex (T 1 c )
type NodeC c = Vertex (T 1 c )
type PathA c = Connect (InputNode c) (ForkNode c)
type PathAB c = Connect (PathA c) (NodeB c)
type PathAC c = Connect (PathA c) (NodeC c)
type Output c = Vertex (T 2 c )
type Subgraph c = Overlay (Connect (PathAC c) (Output c)) (Connect (PathAB c) (Output c))
-- and eventually the trascription from the type-level graph to a value graph defined by Algebra.Graph
--foldFlow :: Flow a -> AG.Graph (Flow a)
--foldFlow Empty = AG.empty
--foldFlow vt@(Vertex x) = AG.vertex vt
--foldFlow (Overlay x y) = AG.overlay (foldFlow x) (foldFlow y)
--foldFlow (Connect x y) = AG.connect (foldFlow x) (foldFlow y)
--runGraph :: Subgraph c
--runGraph = ...create a term-level Subgraph c so we can fold over it.
class Test(object):
def __init__(self):
def testmethod(self):
# instance method
self.task(10) # type-1 access class method
cls = self.__class__
cls.task(20) # type-2 access class method
def task(cls,val)
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特殊属性:__ dict__是属性字典; __class__是实例的类