import discord
import aiohttp
from discord.ext import commands
import logging
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
bot.session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
Client = discord.Client()
bot.run("Insert bot token here")
import random
import discord
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
import logging
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
def embed_split(text: str) -> [str]:
"""Split a string so it will fit inside an embed."""
while text:
yield text[:1024]
text = text[1024:]
class APIinstance:
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def baseURL(self):
return None
def apiExtension(self):
return None
def thumbURL(self):
return None
def headers(self):
return {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36'
async def find_valid_url(self, urls, key=None, base=""):
for i in urls:
url = i[key] if key is not None else i
async with self.session.head(base + url, headers=self.headers) as resp:
if resp.status == 200:
return i
raise Exception("No valid images")
async def grab_data(self, **kwargs):
async with self.session.get(self.baseURL + self.apiExtension, params=kwargs, headers=self.headers) as resp:
if resp.status == 200:
return await resp.json()
raise Exception(f"Could not grab data from api, status: {resp.status}")
def gen_embed(self, image_url, tags, source=None):
em = discord.Embed(colour=0xFFFFFF, title=f"Booru result from {self.__class__.__name__}", url=source)
if self.thumbURL:
for i in embed_split(tags):
em.add_field(name="Tags", value=i, inline=True)
return em
async def parse_req_tags(self, *tags):
responses = await self.grab_data(tags="+".join(tags))
valid = await self.find_valid_url(responses, key="file_url")
tags = valid.get("tags")
image_url = valid["file_url"]
source = valid.get("source")
return self.gen_embed(image_url, tags, source)
class e926(APIinstance):
def baseURL(self):
return "https://e926.net"
def apiExtension(self):
return "/post/index.json"
def thumbURL(self):
return "http://emblemsbf.com/img/63681.jpg"
def headers(self):
return {
'User-Agent': 'CoolBot/1.0 (by pekka4597 on e926)',
class Booru:
"""Collection of booru related commands for the bot."""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.e926_ = e926(bot.session)
async def e926(self, *tags: str):
"""Search e926 for images.
Enter multiple tags by seperating them with spaces
return await bot.say(embed=await self.e926_.parse_req_tags(*tags))
async def __error(self, ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure):
await ctx.send("NSFW boorus can only be used in channels marked NSFW.", delete_after=10.0)
await ctx.send("Failed to get an image for requested tags", delete_after=10.0)
def setup(bot):
DEBUG:discord.http:POST https://discordapp.com/api/v6/channels/334798400782467095/messages with {"embed":{"image":{"url":"https://static1.e926.net/data/ff/2f/ff2f938c7beaa8207820d553447a0d8b.png"},"thumbnail":{"url":"http://emblemsbf.com/img/63681.jpg"},"fields":[{"inline":true,"name":"Tags","value":"bear canine clothed clothing dragon eyewear feral fox glasses greyscale kero_tzuki mammal monochrome open_mouth simple_background smile teeth tongue white_background wolf"}],"color":16777215,"type":"rich","url":"http://www.furaffinity.net/view/21582209/","title":"Booru result from e926"}} has returned 401