当我用https://stackoverflow.com/a/3351627/4423987测试代码时,我发现代码无法通过vc2015和vc2017成功编译。同时,clang 3.8.0和g ++ 5.4.0工作正常。
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
namespace detail{
template<typename Lambda, typename Func>
struct lambda_wrapper;
template <typename Lambda, typename C, typename R>
struct lambda_wrapper<Lambda,R (C::*)(void) const>{
static R call(void){
Lambda x;
return x();
//typedef decltype(&call) function_type; this line of code works fine under g++ and clang but vc2015+
using function_type= R (*)(void);
operator function_type (void) const { return &call;}
template <typename Lambda, typename C, typename R,
typename A0>
struct lambda_wrapper<Lambda, R (C::*)(A0) const>
static R call(A0&& p0)
Lambda x;
return x(std::forward<A0>(p0));
//typedef decltype(&call) function_type; this line of code works fine under g++ and clang but vc2015+
using function_type= R (*)(A0&&);
operator function_type (void) const { return &call;}
}//end of namespace detail
template <typename Lambda>
struct lambda_wrapper
:detail::lambda_wrapper<Lambda, decltype(&Lambda::operator())>{};
template <typename Lambda>
lambda_wrapper<Lambda> wrap_lambda(const Lambda&){
return lambda_wrapper<Lambda>();
int main(void)
typedef void(*Ptr)();
auto l = [](){ std::cout << "im broked :(" << std::endl; };
//Ptr f=l;
Ptr f=wrap_lambda(l);
typedef void(*Ptr1)(int i);
auto l1 = [](int i){ std::cout << "im happy :)" << i<<std::endl; };
//Ptr1 f1=l1;
Ptr1 f1=wrap_lambda(l1);
source_file.cpp(54):错误C2440:'初始化':无法转换为'lambda_wrapper&gt;'到'Ptr1' source_file.cpp(54):注意:没有可用于执行此转换的用户定义转换运算符,或者无法调用运算符 用于x64的Microsoft(R)C / C ++优化编译器版本19.00.23506
感谢VTT。没有para的lambda的转换是好的,具有para的lambda的转换怎么样?示例代码已打开 http://rextester.com/MUTT25014