
时间:2017-07-15 10:31:38

标签: python performance list optimization

我正在编写一段很长的代码,执行时间过长。我在代码上使用cProfile,我发现以下函数被调用150次并且每次调用需要1.3秒,这导致单独使用此函数大约200秒。功能是 -

def makeGsList(sentences,org):
    for s in sentences:
        if s.startswith(tuple(StartWords)):
            s = s.lower()
            if org=='m':
                gs_list1 = [k for k in m_words if k in s]
            if org=='h':
                gs_list1 = [k for k in h_words if k in s]
            for gs_element in gs_list1:
    gs_list3 = list(set(gs_list2))
    return gs_list3



注意 - 单词h_words / m_words并非都是单个单词,其中很多都是包含3-4个单词的短语。

一些例子 -

StartWords = ['!Series_title','!Series_summary','!Series_overall_design','!Sample_title','!Sample_source_name_ch1','!Sample_characteristics_ch1']

sentences = [u'!Series_title\t"Transcript profiles of DCs of PLOSL patients show abnormalities in pathways of actin bundling and immune response"\n', u'!Series_summary\t"This study was aimed to identify pathways associated with loss-of-function of the DAP12/TREM2 receptor complex and thus gain insight into pathogenesis of PLOSL (polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy). Transcript profiles of PLOSL patients\' DCs showed differential expression of genes involved in actin bundling and immune response, but also for the stability of myelin and bone remodeling."\n', u'!Series_summary\t"Keywords: PLOSL patient samples vs. control samples"\n', u'!Series_overall_design\t"Transcript profiles of in vitro differentiated DCs of three controls and five PLOSL patients were analyzed."\n', u'!Series_type\t"Expression profiling by array"\n', u'!Sample_title\t"potilas_DC_A"\t"potilas_DC_B"\t"potilas_DC_C"\t"kontrolli_DC_A"\t"kontrolli_DC_C"\t"kontrolli_DC_D"\t"potilas_DC_E"\t"potilas_DC_D"\n',  u'!Sample_characteristics_ch1\t"in vitro differentiated DCs"\t"in vitro differentiated DCs"\t"in vitro differentiated DCs"\t"in vitro differentiated DCs"\t"in vitro differentiated DCs"\t"in vitro differentiated DCs"\t"in vitro differentiated DCs"\t"in vitro differentiated DCs"\n', u'!Sample_description\t"DAP12mut"\t"DAP12mut"\t"DAP12mut"\t"control"\t"control"\t"control"\t"TREM2mut"\t"TREM2mut"\n']

h_words = ['pp1665', 'glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 5', 'gde2', 'PLOSL patients', 'actin bundling', 'glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase 2', 'glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain-containing protein 5']


关于尺寸 -

h_wordsm_words列表的长度约为250,000 。列表中的每个元素平均长度为2个字。句子列表长约10-20个句子,我提供了一个示例列表,让您了解每个句子的大小。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

  1. 请勿将全局变量用于k_wordsif
  2. for语句放在tuple(StartWords)循环之外。
  3. 一劳永逸地投射append()
  4. 使用以编程方式创建的正则表达式而不是列表推导。
  5. 预编译所有内容。
  6. 直接扩展您的列表,而不是通过它迭代到set每个元素。
  7. 从头开始使用list而不是for
  8. 使用set comprehension而不是显式m_reg = re.compile("|".join(re.escape(w) for w in m_words)) h_reg = re.compile("|".join(re.escape(w) for w in h_words)) def make_gs_list(sentences, start_words, m_reg, h_reg, org): if org == 'm': reg = m_reg elif org == 'h': reg = h_reg matched = {w for s in sentences if s.startswith(start_words) for w in reg.findall(s.lower())} return matched 循环。
  9. @@

答案 1 :(得分:1)


# optionaly change these regexes
FIRST_WORD_RE = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z]+")
LOWER_WORD_RE = re.compile(r"[a-z]+")
m_or_h_words = {'m': set(m_words), 'h': set(h_words)}
startwords_set = set(StartWords)

def makeGsList(sentences, org):
    words = m_or_h_words[org]
    gs_set2 = set()
    for s in sentences:
        mo = FIRST_WORD_RE.match(s)
        if mo and mo.group(0) in startwords_set:
            gs_set2 |= set(LOWER_WORD_RE.findall(s.lower())) & words
    return list(gs_set2)

答案 2 :(得分:0)




句子= tuple(s.split('')对于句子中的s) 然后使用Starts Words并将它们放在一个


所以 sw_set = {w for Starts Words}

然后当你迭代你的句子时,做: 如果sw_set中的s [0]:    #继续执行其余的逻辑


答案 3 :(得分:0)


 for i in range(0, num_reviews):
    text = raw_review["review"][i]).lower()  # Convert to lower case
    words = text.split()  # Split into words
    ### convert the stopwords from list to a set
    stops = set(stopwords.words("english"))
    # Remove stop words from "words"
    meaningful_words = [w for w in words if not w in stops]
    # Join the words back into one string
    BS_reviews.append(" ".join(meaningful_words))
 return BS_reviews