SELECT count(*) AS total_unsolved,
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) = 0 and response_time is null) as today_to_solve,
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > 0 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < 4 and response_time is null) as days_left_1_3,
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > 3 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < 8 and response_time is null) as days_left_4_7,
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > 7 and response_time is null) as mt_week,
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < 0 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > -4 and response_time is null) as overdue_1_3_days,
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < -3 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > -11 and response_time is null) as overdue_4_10_days,
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < -10 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > -30 and response_time is null) as overdue_11_30_days,
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < -30 and response_time is null) as overdue_mt_month,
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, response_time) < 0 and response_time is not null) as solved_with_delay
from my_table where response_time is null
我想创建一个显示给定时间范围内结果的过程。 所以我输入了以下内容:
CREATE PROCEDURE status_in_timerange
IN start_date TiMESTAMP,
IN close_date TiMESTAMP,
OUT total_unsolved INT,
OUT today_to_solve INT,
OUT days_left_1_3 INT,
OUT days_left_4_7 INT,
OUT mt_week INT,
OUT overdue_1_3_days INT,
OUT overdue_4_10_days INT,
OUT overdue_11_30_days INT,
OUT overdue_mt_month INT,
OUT solved_with_delay INT
SELECT count(DATEDIFF(deadline, NOW())) AS total_unsolved,
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) = 0 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > 0 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < 4 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > 3 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < 8 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > 7 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < 0 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > -4 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < -3 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > -11 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < -10 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > -30 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < -30 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
(select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, response_time) < 0 and response_time is not null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date)
INTO total_unsolved ,
overdue_1_3_days ,
FROM my_table WHERE response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date
SQL错误(1064):您的SQL语法中有错误;检查 手册,对应右边的MySQL服务器版本 要在&#39; END&#39;附近使用的语法在第41行
Mysql stored procedure error 1064
P.S。 select version();
答案 0 :(得分:1)
mysql> DELIMITER //
mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE status_in_timerange
-> (
-> IN start_date TiMESTAMP,
-> IN close_date TiMESTAMP,
-> OUT total_unsolved INT,
-> OUT today_to_solve INT,
-> OUT days_left_1_3 INT,
-> OUT days_left_4_7 INT,
-> OUT mt_week INT,
-> OUT overdue_1_3_days INT,
-> OUT overdue_4_10_days INT,
-> OUT overdue_11_30_days INT,
-> OUT overdue_mt_month INT,
-> OUT solved_with_delay INT
-> )
-> SELECT count(DATEDIFF(deadline, NOW())) AS total_unsolved,
-> (select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) = 0 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
-> (select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > 0 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < 4 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
-> (select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > 3 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < 8 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
-> (select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > 7 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
-> (select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < 0 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > -4 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
-> (select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < -3 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > -11 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
-> (select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < -10 and datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) > -30 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
-> (select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, CURTIME()) < -30 and response_time is null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date),
-> (select count(deadline) from my_table where datediff(deadline, response_time) < 0 and response_time is not null and ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date)
-> INTO total_unsolved ,
-> today_to_solve,
-> days_left_1_3,
-> days_left_4_7,
-> mt_week,
-> overdue_1_3_days ,
-> overdue_4_10_days,
-> overdue_11_30_days,
-> overdue_mt_month,
-> solved_with_delay
-> FROM my_table
-> WHERE response_time is null and
-> ktimestamp BETWEEN start_date and close_date;
-> END//
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> DELIMITER ;