<targets> --> 51st field in each node
<target> --> there are a variable number of targets per drug
<id>BE0000048</id> --> this is the value I want for each Target
<citation>Turpie AG: Anticoagulants in acute coronary syndromes.
我已经确定我需要的主要Target字段是每个节点结构中的字段51,因此下面是硬编码值。我认为在节点的目标字段中访问第j个目标中的第i个节点的id值应该具有[[i]] [[51]]的索引[[j]] [[1]]或[[i]] [[51]] [[j]] [[&#39; id&#39;]]:
Target <- array(1:NumNodes, dim=c(1,NumNodes,MaxTargets))
for (i in 1:NumNodes){
for (j in 1:MaxTargets){
Target[i][j] <- Data[[i]][[51]][[j]][[1]]
> Data[[1]][[51]][[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]
[1] "BE0000048ProthrombinHumaninhibitor10505536Turpie AG: Anticoagulants...
我添加的下标数量似乎并不重要; Target子字段中的所有字段总是连在一起,似乎不能分开......
Error in Data[[i]][[51]][[1]] : subscript out of bounds
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我正在粘贴应该是我的XML文件的功能子集;然而,现在代替“目标”领域是第51个领域,它是第六个。同样,它是目标 - &gt;目标 - &gt;我想为每个目标报告的id值,每个节点具有可变数量的目标值。我的代码遵循XML内容。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<drugbank xmlns="http://www.drugbank.ca" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.drugbank.ca http://www.drugbank.ca/docs/drugbank.xsd" version="5.0" exported-on="2017-07-06">
<drug type="biotech" created="2005-06-13" updated="2016-08-17">
<drugbank-id primary="true">DB00001</drugbank-id>
<description>Lepirudin is identical to natural hirudin except for substitution of leucine for isoleucine at the N-terminal end of the molecule and the absence of a sulfate group on the tyrosine at position 63. It is produced via yeast cells. Bayer ceased the production of lepirudin (Refludan) effective May 31, 2012.</description>
<citation>Turpie AG: Anticoagulants in acute coronary syndromes. Am J Cardiol. 1999 Sep 2;84(5A):2M-6M.</citation>
<citation>Warkentin TE: Venous thromboembolism in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2000 Jul;6(4):343-51.</citation>
现在我已经大大截断了上面的文件,我的代码现在给出一条错误消息,表明Data [[1]] [[1]]之上的任何下标都超出了界限,但希望这段代码可以让你了解我打算做什么...
# Save the database file as a tree structure
xmldata = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse("DrugBank_TruncatedDatabase_v4_Tiny.xml"))
# Number of nodes in the entire database file
NumNodes <- xmlSize(xmldata)
MaxTargets <- 20
Data <- xmlSApply(xmldata, function(x) xmlSApply(x, xmlValue))
Target <- array(1:NumNodes, dim=c(1,NumNodes,MaxTargets))
for (i in 1:NumNodes){
for (j in 1:MaxTargets){
Target[i][j] <- Data[[i]][[5]][[j]][[1]]