使用Zelig和Amelia II推算数据为简单的线性模型创建显示表时遇到了问题。
> summary(z.out)
Model: Combined Imputations
Estimate Std.Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 7.57e+01 1.21e+01 6.26 3.9e-10
GDP -1.71e-05 7.12e-06 -2.40 0.01641
biz_fund_public_percent -3.23e+00 1.42e+00 -2.28 0.02280
GERD 6.50e-04 8.83e-04 0.74 0.46205
BERD 1.16e-04 9.85e-04 0.12 0.90598
Gov_BERD -2.52e+00 3.86e-01 -6.54 6.3e-11
thematic_percent -1.36e+01 1.96e+01 -0.70 0.48650
stem_percent 2.16e+01 1.57e+01 1.37 0.17116
pmc -1.51e+01 4.28e+00 -3.53 0.00042
For results from individual imputed datasets, use summary(x, subset = i:j)
Statistical Warning: The GIM test suggests this model is misspecified
(based on comparisons between classical and robust SE's).
We suggest you run diagnostics to ascertain the cause, respecify the model
and run it again.
Next step: Use 'setx' method
> screenreg(z.out)
Returning fitted model objects for each imputed data set in a list.
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘extract’ for signature ‘"list"’