I'm looking for implement a Chronometer script in with JS in my Django web application. This chronometer has multiple functions :
I'm a beginner with Javascript and I would get your help in order to improve my script :
// Here set the minutes, seconds, and tenths-of-second when you want the chronometer to stop
// If all these values are set to 0, the chronometer not stop automatically
var stmints = 0;
var stseconds = 0;
var stzecsec = 0;
// function to be executed when the chronometer stops
// function toAutoStop() {
// alert('You stopped the chronometer');
// }
// the initial tenths-of-second, seconds, and minutes
var zecsec = 0;
var seconds = 0;
var mints = 0;
var startchron = 0;
function chronometer() {
if (startchron == 1) {
zecsec += 1; // set tenths of a second
// set seconds
if (zecsec > 9) {
zecsec = 0;
seconds += 1;
// set minutes
if (seconds > 59) {
seconds = 0;
mints += 1;
// adds data in #showtm
document.getElementById('showtm').innerHTML = mints + ' : ' + seconds + '<sub>' + zecsec + '</sub>';
// if the chronometer reaches to the values for stop, calls whenChrStop(), else, auto-calls chronometer()
if (zecsec == stzecsec && seconds == stseconds && mints == stmints) toAutoStop();
else setTimeout("chronometer()", 100);
function startChr() {
startchron = 1;
} // starts the chronometer
function stopChr() {
startchron = 0;
} // stops the chronometer
function resetChr() {
zecsec = 0;
seconds = 0;
mints = 0;
startchron = 0;
document.getElementById('showtm').innerHTML = mints + ' : ' + seconds + '<sub>' + zecsec + '</sub>';
// start the chronometer, delete this line if you want to not automatically start the stopwatch
// startChr();
<div id="showtm" style="font-size:21px; font-weight:800;">0:0</div>
<button onclick="startChr()">Start the chronometer </button>
<button onclick="stopChr()">Stop the chronometer</button>
<button onclick="resetChr()">Reset the chronometer</button>
But I'm getting some issues with my script :
The chronometer starts when the page is loaded. When I overcome to the HTML page or when I actualize my page, the chronometer starts. I would like to begin the chronometer only when users click on "start" (solved in my comment)
I would like to pick-up the variable when I stop the chronometer in order to fill a Django form. How I can get this chronometer variable in my script ?
When I start the chronometer it works fine, but If I'm watching another tab in my browser and I come back on the chronometer, time displayed is false because I launched on the same time my smartphone chronometer. The JS chronometer is delayed ..
Up to now, I'm getting these both issues :/
Thank you
My new code :
<div class="form" id="showtm" style="font-size:21px; font-weight:800;">0 minutes : 0 secondes : 0 millisecondes</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Here set the minutes, seconds, and tenths-of-second when you want the chronometer to stop
// If all these values are set to 0, the chronometer not stop automatically
var stmints = 0;
var stseconds = 0;
var stzecsec = 0;
// function to be executed when the chronometer stops
//function toAutoStop() {
//alert('Vous avez stoppé le chronomètre');
// the initial tenths-of-second, seconds, and minutes
var zecsec = 0;
var seconds = 0;
var mints = 0;
var startchron = 0;
function chronometer() {
if(startchron == 1) {
seconds += 1; // set tenths of a second
// set seconds
//if(zecsec > 9) {
//zecsec = 0;
//seconds += 1;
// set minutes
if(seconds > 59) {
seconds = 0;
mints += 1;
// adds data in #showtm
document.getElementById('showtm').innerHTML = mints+ ' min '+ seconds + ' sec ' + zecsec ;
// if the chronometer reaches to the values for stop, calls whenChrStop(), else, auto-calls chronometer()
if(zecsec == stzecsec && seconds == stseconds && mints == stmints) toAutoStop();
else setTimeout("chronometer()", 1000);
function startChr() { startchron = 1; chronometer(); } // starts the chronometer
function stopChr() { startchron = 0; } // stops the chronometer
function resetChr() {
zecsec = 0; seconds = 0; mints = 0; startchron = 0;
document.getElementById('showtm').innerHTML = mints+ ' min '+ seconds+ ' sec ' + zecsec ;
// start the chronometer, delete this line if you want to not automatically start the stopwatch
<div class="form">
<button onclick="startChr()">Démarrer l'intervention </button>
<button onclick="stopChr()">Stopper l'intervention</button>
<button onclick="resetChr()">Reset de l'intervention</button>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
// start the chronometer, delete this line if you want to not automatically start the stopwatch
function stopChr() {
startchron = 0;
// mints:seconds, zecsec
这是设计的,tl; dr;
当您按照hundreths而不是秒(100ms而不是1000ms)递增计时器时,您的计时器会自动暂停。有关该主题的更多信息,请参阅此处How can I make setInterval also work when a tab is inactive in Chrome?
// Here set the minutes, seconds, and tenths-of-second when you want the chronometer to stop
// If all these values are set to 0, the chronometer not stop automatically
var stmints = 0;
var stseconds = 0;
// selectors to elements, where we are displaying timer. They also are form fields, so they are going to be send to server
var mints_elm = document.getElementById('minutes')
var seconds_elm = document.getElementById('seconds')
// the initial tenths-of-second, seconds, and minutes
var seconds = 0;
var mints = 0;
var startchron = 0;
function chronometer() {
if (startchron == 1) {
seconds += 1; // set tenths of a second
// set minutes
if (seconds > 59) {
seconds = 0;
mints += 1;
// adds data in proper fields
mints_elm.value = mints
seconds_elm.value = seconds
// if the chronometer reaches to the values for stop, calls whenChrStop(), else, auto-calls chronometer()
if (seconds == stseconds && mints == stmints) {
} else {
setTimeout("chronometer()", 1000);
function startChr() {
startchron = 1;
} // starts the chronometer
function stopChr() {
startchron = 0;
} // stops the chronometer
function resetChr() {
seconds = 0;
mints = 0;
startchron = 0;
mints_elm.value = mints
seconds_elm.value = seconds
/* css, just for better displaying */
input[type="text"] {
width: 50px;
text-align: center;
border: none;
background: transparent;
<!-- HTML -->
<form id="form" action="#urltobackendservice">
<input name="minutes" id="minutes" value="0" type="text" /> :
<input name="seconds" id="seconds" value="0" type="text" />
<input type="submit" value="Send result" />
<hr />
<button onclick="startChr()">Start the chronometer </button>
<button onclick="stopChr()">Stop the chronometer</button>
<button onclick="resetChr()">Reset the chronometer</button>