
时间:2017-07-11 13:36:06

标签: c++14


规则: 给定一个字符,下一个字符可以是任何一个字符 你可以制作多少个N个字符组合? 例如

  • a - > I,E

  • e - > I,O

  • i - > A,E,邻

  • u - > A,E,I,O

  • o - > I,U,邻

对于N = 1个可能的字符串组合 a,e,i,o,u

对于N = 2个可能的字符串组合 [ai,ae],[ei,eo],[ia,ie,io],[ua,ue,ui,uo],[oi,ou,oo]



struct Node {
    Node(char v) : v_(v) {}
    void                     add_child(shared_ptr<Node> n) { children.emplace_back(n); }
    char                     v_ = 0;
    vector<shared_ptr<Node>> children;

void add_child(shared_ptr<Node> root, int n, int depth, const map<char, vector<char>> &combo) {
    if (depth == n) return;
    auto ch = root->v_;
    auto it = combo.find(ch);
    for (auto ch : it->second) {
        //printf("Adding to %c to %c\n", ch, root->v_);
    for (auto &child : root->children) { add_child(child, n, depth, combo); }

int count_leaf(shared_ptr<Node> root) {
    if (root->children.size() == 0) return 0;
    int sum = 0;
    for (auto &child : root->children) sum += count_leaf(child);
    return sum > 0 ? sum : root->children.size();
void password_combination() {   
    // Find combos until this depth
    int n = 3;

    map<char, vector<char>> combo;
    combo.insert(make_pair('a', vector<char>{'i', 'e'}));
    combo.insert(make_pair('e', vector<char>{'i', 'o'}));
    combo.insert(make_pair('i', vector<char>{'a', 'e', 'o'}));
    combo.insert(make_pair('u', vector<char>{'a', 'e', 'i', 'o'}));
    combo.insert(make_pair('o', vector<char>{'i', 'u', 'o'}));

    // Create a N depth tree and count leaves
    // Count all children until n = 3;
    auto root  = make_shared<Node>(0);
    int  depth = 0;
    for (auto &c : combo) { root->add_child(make_shared<Node>(c.first)); }
    for (auto child : root->children) { add_child(child, n, depth, combo); }
    printf("%d\n", count_leaf(root));

有没有更好的方法。对代码/错误的批判,以及如果有一个c ++ 14惯用的方法,甚至更好。

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