
时间:2017-07-09 13:23:38

标签: r



  1. 我怎样才能做到这一点?
  2. 是否最好始终将每个应该构成清单的股票的日期和收益组合起来?
  3. 这是输出。

    A tibble: 6 x 11
        DATE     S1   S2   S3   S4 S5    S6 S7   S8     S9   
      <date>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
    1 2000-12-29 55.313 31.508 44.74 34.90 20.00 6.8470  7.49  55.5 25.7216
    2 2001-01-01 55.313 31.508 44.74 34.90 20.00 6.8470  7.49  55.5 25.7216
    3 2001-01-02 54.131 31.508 44.41 34.22 20.00 6.7793  7.24  55.4 25.5093
    4 2001-01-03 52.641 31.806 45.70 34.53 20.00 6.7401  7.24  54.2 25.2652
    5 2001-01-04 55.720 32.403 47.60 35.24 19.72 6.6697  7.20  55.3 26.3055
    6 2001-01-05 57.607 32.502 46.50 37.69 21.02 6.7740  7.18  55.5 27.6006
    # ... with 1 more variables: S10 <dbl>
    #Elimnate Outliers from stock 2,3,10 and created shortened df for stock 8
    Data1 <- Data[-c(2042:2046), -c(4:10) ] ; # eliminate outliers and not affected stocks
    Data2 <- Data[-c(2972:4241),c(1,8)]; #stock price ends before others and eliminate all other stocks 
    Data3 <- Data[,-c(2,3,7,11)] # Eliminate companies adjusted above


    Prices <- as.list(split(Data3,length(Data3)))
    Prices <- append(split(Data1,length(Data1)),Prices)
    Prices <- append(split(Data2,length(Data2)),Prices)


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