
时间:2017-07-07 12:08:35

标签: tkinter exe pyinstaller


我尝试通过输入以下命令来使用pyinstaller: pyinstaller --onefile

这样就完成了,并给了我一个可执行文件,但它不会打开并返回附加的错误消息error message on double clicking the .exe


from Tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import tkMessageBox
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
import numpy as np
import matplotlib 
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg,         NavigationToolbar2TkAgg
from numpy import arange, sin, pi

# Each class is a frame in the root main window
class HomeFrame(object):
"""docstring for HomeFrame"""
def __init__(self, root):   # constructor places the widgets in the home     frame.  Each instance (self) is a new window placed in the main window
    super(HomeFrame, self).__init__()
    self.root=root      #oull the root window from the input constructor
    self.root.attributes("-topmost", False)
    self.root.title("Wave Analyzer App")
    self.Frame1=Frame(self.root)    #Create the home frame
    self.Frame1.pack()  #pack the frame.  It must be on a new line to be a     referencable object
    lab=Label(self.Frame1,text='Time Domain Wave Analyzer', font=("Helvetica", 30)).pack()  #label object within the frame that is not dynamic or to be passed to other instances

    self.But1=Button(self.Frame1,text='Get Started',command=self.B1Click)   #place a button in the frame

    path = "waves-circles-285359_960_720.jpg"

    #Creates a Tkinter-compatible photo image, which can be used everywhere Tkinter expects an image object.
    img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(

    # load ="waves-circles-285359_960_720.jpg")
    # render = ImageTk.PhotoImage(load)
    IMLab=Label(self.Frame1,text='here i am',image=img)
    IMLab.image = img # You must keep a ref to the image else it gets destroyed!!
    IMLab.pack(side = "bottom", fill = "both", expand = "yes")
    lab2=Label(self.Frame1,text='By Ben Howey', font=("Helvetica", 12))     #label object within the frame that is not dynamic or to be passed to other instances

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



<div style="width:160px">
  <label>This is a short help <span>text <button>(?)</button></span></label>
<div style="width:170px">
  <label>This is a short help <span>text <button>(?)</button></span></label>
<div style="width:180px">
  <label>This is a short help <span>text <button>(?)</button></span></label>
<div style="width:190px">
  <label>This is a short help <span>text <button>(?)</button></span></label>
<div style="width:200px">
  <label>This is a short help <span>text <button>(?)</button></span></label>
