得到了我想要的输出,但现在的问题是:我得到的输出是商业支持......和奥斯的储备银行....,不是完整的文字,我想要打印整个文本而不是“.... ...“ 对全部。我在jezrael的回答中替换了第9行和第10行,请使用代码
org = soup.find_all('a', {'class':'nav-item active'})[0].get('title')
groups = soup.find_all('a', {'class':'nav-item active'})[1].get('title')
查看Fetching content from html and write fetched content in a specific format in CSV
org = soup.find_all('span',class_="filtered pill")
答案 0 :(得分:1)
>>> l = soup.find_all('a')
>>> for i in l:
... if i.has_attr('title'):
... print(i['title'])
Reserve Bank of Australia
Business Support and Regulation
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia
答案 1 :(得分:1)
for i in webpage_urls:
wiki2 = i
page= urllib.request.urlopen(wiki2)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, "lxml")
lobbying = {}
#always only 2 active li, so select first by [0] and second by [1]
l = soup.find_all('li', class_="nav-item active")
org = l[0].a.get('title')
if org == '':
org = l[0].span.get_text()
groups = l[1].a.get('title')
if groups == '':
groups = l[1].span.get_text()
data2 = soup.find_all('h3', class_="dataset-heading")
for element in data2:
lobbying[element.a.get_text()] = {}
prefix = "https://data.gov.au"
for element in data2:
lobbying[element.a.get_text()]["link"] = prefix + element.a["href"]
lobbying[element.a.get_text()]["Organisation"] = org
lobbying[element.a.get_text()]["Group"] = groups
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lobbying, orient='index') \
df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
df1 = df.drop_duplicates(subset = 'Titles').reset_index(drop=True)
df1['Organisation'] = df1['Organisation'].str.replace('\(\d+\)', '')
df1['Group'] = df1['Group'].str.replace('\(\d+\)', '')
print (df1.head())
Titles \
0 Banks – Assets
1 Consolidated Exposures – Immediate and Ultimat...
2 Foreign Exchange Transactions and Holdings of ...
3 Finance Companies and General Financiers – Sel...
4 Liabilities and Assets – Monthly
link \
0 https://data.gov.au/dataset/banks-assets
1 https://data.gov.au/dataset/consolidated-expos...
2 https://data.gov.au/dataset/foreign-exchange-t...
3 https://data.gov.au/dataset/finance-companies-...
4 https://data.gov.au/dataset/liabilities-and-as...
Organisation Group
0 Reserve Bank of Australia Business Support and Regulation
1 Reserve Bank of Australia Business Support and Regulation
2 Reserve Bank of Australia Business Support and Regulation
3 Reserve Bank of Australia Business Support and Regulation
4 Reserve Bank of Australia Business Support and Regulation