
时间:2010-12-20 22:47:46

标签: algorithm computer-science theory binary-tree graph-theory




   /   \
  1     2
 /  \  /  \
3   4  5  6


   /   \
  2     5
 /  \  /  \
0   1  3  4



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  / \
 1   2


以下代码在 O(log n) 中执行此计算。对于深度为10(1023个节点)的树,它以最多10次迭代(递归)计算索引值。


// Recursively compute the given post-order traversal index's position
// in the tree:  Its position in the given level and its depth in the tree.
void ComputePos( int treedepth, int poindex, int *levelposition, int *nodedepth )
    int nodes;
    int half;

    // compute number of nodes for this depth.
    assert( treedepth > 0 );
    nodes = ( 1 << ( treedepth )) - 1;
    half = nodes / 2;   // e.g., 7 / 2 = 3

    //printf( "poindex = %3d, Depth = %3d, node count = %3d", poindex, treedepth, nodes );


    if ( poindex == nodes ) {
        // This post-order index value is the root of this subtree
        //printf( "  Root\n" );
    else if ( poindex > half ) {
        // This index is in the right subtree
        //printf( "  Right\n" );
        poindex -= half;
        *levelposition = 2 * *levelposition + 1;
    else {
        // Otherwise it must be in the left subtree
        //printf( "  Left\n" );
        *levelposition = 2 * *levelposition;

    treedepth -= 1;
    ComputePos( treedepth, poindex, levelposition, nodedepth );

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    int levelposition = 0;   // the 0-based index from the left in a given level
    int nodedepth = 0;  // the depth of the node in the tree
    int bfindex;
    int treedepth = atoi( argv[1] );   // full depth of the tree (depth=1 means 1 node)
    int poindex = atoi( argv[2] ); // 1-based post-order traversal index

    ComputePos( treedepth, poindex, &levelposition, &nodedepth );

    //printf( "ComputePos( %d, %d ) = %d, %d\n", treedepth, poindex, levelposition, nodedepth );

    // Compute the breadth-first index as its position in its current
    // level plus the count of nodex in all the levels above it.
    bfindex = levelposition + ( 1 << ( nodedepth - 1 ));
    printf( "Post-Order index %3d = breadth-first index %3d\n", poindex, bfindex );

    return 0;


          /    \
         /      \
        /        \
       /          \
      /            \
     7             14     
    / \            / \    
   /   \          /   \   
  3     6       10    13  
 /\    / \      /\    / \ 
1  2  4   5    8  9  11  12

[C:\tmp]for /l %i in (1,1,15) do po2bf 4 %i
Post-Order index   1 = breadth-first index   8
Post-Order index   2 = breadth-first index   9
Post-Order index   3 = breadth-first index   4
Post-Order index   4 = breadth-first index  10
Post-Order index   5 = breadth-first index  11
Post-Order index   6 = breadth-first index   5
Post-Order index   7 = breadth-first index   2
Post-Order index   8 = breadth-first index  12
Post-Order index   9 = breadth-first index  13
Post-Order index  10 = breadth-first index   6
Post-Order index  11 = breadth-first index  14
Post-Order index  12 = breadth-first index  15
Post-Order index  13 = breadth-first index   7
Post-Order index  14 = breadth-first index   3
Post-Order index  15 = breadth-first index   1

答案 1 :(得分:0)


  1. 从后序数组/索引构建树,使每个节点的值成为当前数组索引。
  2. 使用索引:索引的前半部分是左子树,下半部分是右子树,中间节点是根。递归每个子树。

    1. 遍历树广度优先,将计算出的广度优先索引作为映射对的值放入map,键是节点的值。 map.put( node.value, tree_visitor.current_index)

    2. 询问地图,传递所需的键(后序节点的索引)以获取相应的广度优先节点的索引。