数学 - 三维空间旋转二维光盘中的生成点

时间:2017-07-06 06:57:26

标签: matlab 3d



numPoints = 25;
radius = 1;
pos = [1; 2; 3];
dir = normc([3; 4; 6]); % normalised

function [pointsT, points] = GenerateDiscPoints(numPoints, radius, pos, dir) 
    points = zeros(numPoints, 3);
    pointsT = zeros(numPoints, 3);

    % Angle between points
    angle = 2 * pi / numPoints;

    for i = 1:numPoints+1
        % Current point angle
        theta = angle * i; 

        % Generate point in flat disc (y is vertical axis in Unity)
        x = radius * cos(theta) + pos(1);
        y = 0 + pos(2);
        z = radius * sin(theta) + pos(3);

        % Save points
        points(i, 1) = x;
        points(i, 2) = y;
        points(i, 3) = z;

        % Calculate t value to translate points
        t = (dir(1) * pos(1) - dir(1) * x + dir(2) * pos(2) - dir(2) * y + dir(3) * pos(3) - dir(3) * z) / (dir(1)*dir(1) + dir(2)*dir(2) + dir(3)*dir(3));

        % Translate points to correct location
        xT = x + t*dir(1);
        yT = y + t*dir(2);
        zT = z + t*dir(3);

        % Save translated points
        pointsT(i, 1) = xT;
        pointsT(i, 2) = yT;
        pointsT(i, 3) = zT;

    % Plot
    hold all;
    grid on;
    scatter3(points(:,1), points(:,2), points(:,3), 25, 'r');
    scatter3(pointsT(:,1), pointsT(:,2), pointsT(:,3), 25, 'g');
    p3 = line([pos(1) pos(1)+dir(1)], [pos(2) pos(2)+dir(2)], [pos(3) pos(3)+dir(3)]);
    set(p3, 'Color', 'blue');

Here's a picture of the output.



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

沿着dir方向的简单线性平移是不够的 - 你最终会得到pos平面上圆圈的投影,而dir正常{{ 1}},即椭圆。


  • pos处构建正交基础,其中一个轴为dir


    1. 检查X轴是否与dir平行 - 理想情况下是abs(dot(dir, X)) < 0.8(假设两者都已归一化),因此它们彼此不太接近

    2. 如果(1)为真,则选择dir2 = Y,否则dir2 = X

    3. 要创建第一个基础向量A = normalize(cross(dir, dir2))

    4. 创建第二个B = cross(dir, A)

    5. 现在,您可以按theta pos + radius * (A * cos(theta) + B * sin(theta))的每个值生成点数(以矢量表示法)。