%1) numbers get lower when
% 1) going to left on x axis
% 2) going down y axis
% 3) going posterior (or towards you) on z axis,
% opposite of convention
%2) coordinate order is AP (anterior posterior), ML
%(medial lateral), DV
%(dorsal ventral)
%Bregma is the anterior reference point and
%Lambda is posterior reference point . The goal variables
%are the point in space I want to reach. I'm hoping the code creates new
%points for me as caused by a change in elevation between point "c" and "f"
%Note, for AP/ML/DV absolute values, the actual integers %are merely
%reference points in space. It is the delta between AP %and AP or ML and ML
%that is meaningful
%values a-f would be acquired from the stereotaxic frame
a= 43; %AP at bregma
b= 20; %ML at bregma
c= 22; %DV at bregma
d= 38.8; %AP at lambda
e= 20; %ML at Lambda
f= 21.5; %DV at lamda This variable causes the change %in which I want the rotation to correct
%Bregma =[b a c];
%Following three points are given relative to bregma, this is convention. So mathematically 'Bregma=[0 0 0];'
%These are also the coordinates I want altered from the rotation matrix
MLgoal=0; %ML to injection
APgoal=0; %AP to injection
DVgoal=-2.0; %DV to injection
DVgoal_zaxis_signconvention_correction = -DVgoal; %we want sign convention flipped for z axis[![enter image description here][1]][1]
A= a-d;
M= b-e;
D= c-f;
%Bregma =[0 0 0];
v = [A M D];
mv = norm(v);
u=[A 0 0]; %theoretical vector [ML,AP,DV] bregma to %lambda
mu = norm(u);
%angle in radians
w=cu/norm(cu); %unit vector
%rotate about this unit vector by angle X
%sustitute variables into general rotation for more %readable code
vx = 1-cos(X);
cx = cos(X);
sx = sin(X);
%rotation matrix about arbitrary unit vector [wx; wy; %wz] by angle X
r=[vx*wx*wx + cx, vx*wx*wy - wz*sx, vx*wx*wz + wy*sx;
vx*wx*wy + wz*sx, vx*wy*wy + cx, vx*wy*wz - wx*sx;
vx*wx*wz - wy*sx, vx*wy*wz + wx*sx, vx*wz*wz + cx];
%Newcoordinate output should tell you the change in %targeting coordinate
%after correcting for the output of rotational matrix. %The value for DV
%seems too large based on the subtle increase elevation %of reference point
%Bregma to reference point Lambda
Newcoordinates=r* [APgoal;MLgoal;DVgoal_zaxis_signconvention_correction]; %should give you the new coordinates for the injection %site