
时间:2017-06-27 20:22:05

标签: json r

我正在尝试设置一个R脚本,该脚本将从OpenSky的REST API连续收集JSON数据(全天每15秒)。

我正在努力调整script meant to collect Car2Go data



for (day in 1:100){

  flight.df.time <- data.frame()

  for (i in seq(1,5760)){

    flight.df <- data.frame()

    all_flights <- fromJSON('https://opensky-network.org/api/states/all')

    # Creates df from JSON and filters lat/long to DC Metro Area
    dc_flights <- as.data.frame(all_flights$states) %>%
      mutate(V6 = as.numeric(levels(V6))[V6],
             V7 = as.numeric(levels(V7))[V7]) %>% 
      filter(between(V6, -78.361647, -75.872761),
             between(V7, 38.197760, 39.646129))

    flight.df.time <- rbind(dc_flights, flight.df)



  write.csv(flight.df.time, file = paste(day, '_flight.csv', sep = ''))


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