for循环使用多个列表在Python 3中创建一个语句

时间:2017-06-26 12:21:28

标签: python python-3.x



即。 '员工Sam今年31岁,他们的职位是数据分析师,他们每年赚90,000美元。他们2017年的奖金为2,700美元。"

# Employee List
names = ['Sam', 'Chris', 'Jose', 'Luis', 'Ahmad']
ages = ['31', '34', '30', '28', '25']
jobs = ['Data Analyst', 'SEO Python Genius', 'Data Analyst', 'Interchange 
Analyst', 'Data Analyst']
salaries = ['$90,000', '$120,000', '$95,000', '$92,000', '$90,000']
bonuses = ['$2,700', '$3,600', '$2,850', '$2,750', '$2,700']

# this for-loop goes through name list
for name in names:
    print ("Employee %s" % name)

for age in ages:
    print ("is %s" % age, "years old")

for job in jobs:
    print (", their job title is %s" % job)

for salary in salaries:
    print (" and they make %s" % salary, "annually.")

for bonus in bonuses:
    print ("Their 2017 bonus will be %s." % salary)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


for name, age, job, salary, bonus in zip(names, ages, jobs, salaries, bonuses):
    print ("Employee %s" % name)
    print ("is %s years old" % age)
    print (", their job title is %s" % job)
    print (" and they make %s annually" % salary)
    print ("Their 2017 bonus will be %s." % bonus)


for name, age, job, salary, bonus in zip(names, ages, jobs, salaries, bonuses):
    print ("Employee %s is %s years old. Their job title is %s, and "
           "they make %s annually. Their 2017 bonus will be %s."
           %(name, age, job, salary, bonus))

答案 1 :(得分:1)


emps = zip(names, ages, jobs, salaries, bonuses)
fmt = ("Employee {} is {} years old, their job " 
       "title is {} and they make {} annually. " 
       "Their 2017 bonus will be {}.")
for emp in emps:


答案 2 :(得分:0)


for i in range(len(names)):
    print(names[i], ages[i], jobs[i], salaries[i], bonuses[i])
