;;;; Suez-Canal.lisp
;;;; A simple, 1-Dimensional version of Battleship
;;;; The computer places a boat randomly, and you must sink it.
(setf *random-state* (make-random-state t))
(defparameter *boat-length* 3)
(defparameter *canal-length* 10)
(defparameter *shots-fired* 0)
(defun new-game ()
(init-canal *canal-length*)
(format t "It took you ~a shots to sink the boat." *shots-fired*))
(defun init-canal (len)
(defparameter *canal* (make-list len)))
(defun place-boat ()
(let ((pos (random-spot)))
(setf (nth pos *canal*) 'O)
(setf (nth (+ pos 1) *canal*) 'O)
(setf (nth (+ pos 2) *canal*) 'O)))
(defun random-spot ()
(let ((x (random 7)))
(defun game-loop ()
(loop until (notany #'numberp *canal*)
do (progn
(check-guess (read-guess))
(incf *shots-fired*))))
(defun prompt-for-guess ()
(format t "~&Enter in a number between 1 and 10 to fire a shot.~&"))
(defun read-guess ()
(parse-integer (read-line *query-io*) :junk-allowed t))
(defun check-guess (guess)
(if (and (<= guess 9)
(>= guess 0))
(fire-shot guess)
(format t "~&Invalid selection~&")
(check-guess (read-guess)))))
(defun fire-shot (pos)
(if (= (nth (- pos 1) *canal*) 0)
(setf (nth (- pos 1) *canal*) #\*)
(print "Hit!"))
(print "Miss!")))
答案 0 :(得分:4)
当给定非数字值时,Numerical comparison operators将发出错误信号。使用EQL进行一般比较。
答案 1 :(得分:2)
(setf *random-state* (make-random-state t))
(defparameter *boat-length* 3)
(defparameter *canal-length* 10)
(defparameter *shots-fired* 0)
;;; you need to declare *canal* at toplevel.
(defparameter *canal* nil)
(defun new-game ()
(init-canal *canal-length*)
(format t "It took you ~a shots to sink the boat." *shots-fired*))
;;; just set the the variable.
(defun init-canal (length)
(setq *canal* (make-list length)))
;;; you need to set those positions to 0 and not to O
(defun place-boat ()
(let ((pos (random-spot)))
(setf (nth pos *canal*) 0)
(setf (nth (+ pos 1) *canal*) 0)
(setf (nth (+ pos 2) *canal*) 0)))
;;; no need for a LET
(defun random-spot ()
(random 7))
;;; no need for progn
;;; you could also replace UNTIL NOTANY with WHILE SOME
(defun game-loop ()
(loop until (notany #'numberp *canal*)
(check-guess (read-guess))
(incf *shots-fired*)))
(defun prompt-for-guess ()
(format t "~&Enter in a number between 1 and 10 to fire a shot.~&"))
(defun read-guess ()
(parse-integer (read-line *query-io*) :junk-allowed t))
;;; <= can take more than two arguments
;;; typically this recursive version might be replaced with a LOOP
(defun check-guess (guess)
(if (<= 0 guess 9)
(fire-shot guess)
(format t "~&Invalid selection~&")
(check-guess (read-guess)))))
;;; use EQL, = only compares numbers
(defun fire-shot (pos)
(if (eql (nth (- pos 1) *canal*) 0)
(setf (nth (- pos 1) *canal*) #\*)
(print "Hit!"))
(print "Miss!")))