答案 0 :(得分:2)
Sub test()
Dim purpleCounter As Long, greenCounter As Long
Dim c As Range, r As Range
' For each column in the selected area
For Each c In Selection.Columns
' Reset the color counters
purpleCounter = 0
greenCounter = 0
' For each row (=cell) in the column we're working on cf. the previous loop
For Each r In c.Rows
' If color of the cell matches our value, increment the respective counter
If r.Interior.Color = 10498160 Then purpleCounter = purpleCounter + 1
If r.Interior.Color = 7658646 Then greenCounter = greenCounter + 1
Next r
' Print the results to the Immediate window - or replace this section with whatever
Debug.Print "Day " & c.Rows.Item(1).Value & " has " & purpleCounter & _
" purple and " & greenCounter & " green."
Next c
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:1)
您还可以在完整列上使用With Application.FindFormat.Interior
end with
set r=range("c3:c30").find(what:="*", searchformat:=True)
r=range("c3:c30").find(what:="*", after:=r, searchformat:=True)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
For Next loop
For c = 15 to 17 'check the column num
For r = 3 to 30 'assuming your last row is 30
'color check code here
next r
next c
答案 3 :(得分:-3)
Dim Cell as Range
For Each Cell in Selection
If cell.row = ? Then ' enter code here
If cell.Column = ? Then ? = Cell.Interior.Color