给定一个整数数组,找到所有" maximal"子集

时间:2017-06-20 19:36:13

标签: java arrays algorithm

给定一个上限d和一个整数数组,返回其元素总和为<= d的所有子集(作为数组),并且我们不能向其添加任何其他元素数组,以免<= d被违反。


d = 4;
int[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

int[][] solution = findAllMaximalSubsets(arr, d);


Output: { {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {4} }

此方法findAllMaximalSubsets(int[] arr, d)是我正在研究的另一种算法的子程序。我怀疑解决方案是Np-ish,这很好。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

不同意Stack Overflow不是代码为您编写的地方的评论。我想我可以在代码中更好更准确地解释细节而不是文字,所以我在这里提供代码。我也承认写这篇文章很乐意(这本身也不是发布它的借口)。

我这里没有使用任何动态编程或任何图形。我使用Dawood Ibn Kareem的想法尝试使用和不使用x并使用递归来解决问题的其余部分。


我没有给你你想要的回报类型,但我相信如果它很重要,你就会改变自己。原因是我假设数组元素是不同的,即使有些元素是相等的。如果数组是{ 1, 3, 2, 3, 5 }并且解决方案包含{ 1, 3 },则您不知道我采用了哪3个。所以我给你一个布尔数组{ true, true, false, false, false }(如果我拿第3个)或{ true, false, false, true, false }(如果我拿第二个3)(实际上我会给你们两个)。

 * Calculates all subsets of a that have a sum <= capacity
 * and to which one cannot add another element from a without exceeding the capacity.
 * @param a elements to put in sets;
 * even when two elements from a are equal, they are considered distinct
 * @param capacity maximum sum of a returned subset
 * @return collection of subsets of a.
 * Each subset is represented by a boolean array the same length as a
 * where true means that the element in the same index in a is included,
 * false that it is not included.
private static Collection<boolean[]> maximalSubsetsWithinCapacity(int[] a, int capacity) {
    List<boolean[]> b = new ArrayList<>();
    addSubsets(a, capacity, new boolean[0], 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, b);
    return b;

/** add to b all allowed subsets where the the membership for the first members of a is determined by paritalSubset
 * and where remaining capacity is smaller than smallestMemberLeftOut
private static void addSubsets(int[] a, int capacity, boolean[] partialSubset, int sum,
        int smallestMemberLeftOut, List<boolean[]> b) {
    assert sum == IntStream.range(0, partialSubset.length)
            .filter(ix -> partialSubset[ix])
            .map(ix -> a[ix])
            : Arrays.toString(a) + ' ' + Arrays.toString(partialSubset) + ' ' + sum;
    int remainingCapacity = capacity - sum;
    if (partialSubset.length == a.length) { // done
        // check capacity constraint: if there’s still room for a member of size smallestMemberLeftOut,
        // we have violated the maximality constraint
        if (remainingCapacity < smallestMemberLeftOut) { // OK, no more members could have been added
    } else {
        // try next element from a.
        int nextElement = a[partialSubset.length];
        // i.e., decide whether  should be included.
        // try with and without.

        // is including nextElement a possibility?
        if (nextElement <= remainingCapacity) { // yes
            boolean[] newPartialSubset = Arrays.copyOf(partialSubset, partialSubset.length + 1);
            newPartialSubset[partialSubset.length] = true; // include member
            addSubsets(a, capacity, newPartialSubset, sum + nextElement, smallestMemberLeftOut, b);

        // try leaving nextElement out
        boolean[] newPartialSubset = Arrays.copyOf(partialSubset, partialSubset.length + 1);
        newPartialSubset[partialSubset.length] = false; // exclude member
        int newSmallestMemberLeftOut = smallestMemberLeftOut;
        if (nextElement < smallestMemberLeftOut) {
            newSmallestMemberLeftOut = nextElement;
        addSubsets(a, capacity, newPartialSubset, sum, newSmallestMemberLeftOut, b);



    int[] a = { 5, 1, 2, 6 };
    Collection<boolean[]> b = maximalSubsetsWithinCapacity(a, 8);
    b.forEach(ba -> System.out.println(Arrays.toString(ba)));


[true, true, true, false]
[false, true, false, true]
[false, false, true, true]
  • [true, true, true, false]表示5,1和2的子集。总和为8,因此这恰好符合8的容量(d)。
  • [false, true, false, true]表示1和6,总和为7,我们无法添加2或者我们会超出容量
  • 最后[false, false, true, true]表示2和6,并且完全符合容量d


答案 1 :(得分:0)



  private static void findAllMaximalSubsets(int[] arr,int d) {

   for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) {
       for (int j =i;j< arr.length;j++) {
           int sum = 0;
           for (int k = i; k <= j; k++) {
               sum = sum + arr[k];
           if (sum <= d) 
               //add the array elements from k o j to the 2D arry