
时间:2017-06-20 12:25:36

标签: c# .net listview xamarin.forms edit




我打算以不同的方式做这件事,但事实并非我想要的方式。我需要public async void OnEdit(object sender, EventArgs e) { var menuItem = ((MenuItem)sender); if (menuItem != null) { var selectedZone = (ViewModels.ZoneViewModel)menuItem.CommandParameter; // Send to edit page with selectedzones' contents. await Navigation.PushAsync(new ZonePage(selectedZone.Name, selectedZone.Address, selectedZone.IdentitySource, selectedZone.Username, selectedZone.Password)); //Wait until user returns from page //Edit logic here } } 从列表中获取所选项目,并且不知道在我的情况下使其工作的另一种方法。


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You can try MessagingCenter to communicate between two pages. Xamarin.Forms MessagingCenter enables view models and other components to communicate with without having to know anything about each other besides a simple Message contract.

To pass an argument with the message, specify the argument Type in the Subscribe generic arguments and in the Action signature.

    MessagingCenter.Subscribe<MainPage, string> (this, "Hi", (sender, arg) => {
    // do something whenever the "Hi" message is sent
    // using the 'arg' parameter which is a string

To send the message with argument, include the Type generic parameter and the value of the argument in the Send method call.

MessagingCenter.Send<MainPage, string> (this, "Hi", "John");

Here is the more detailed official documentation with examples.