shell scripting-bash中的算术计算

时间:2017-06-17 03:59:55

标签: bash shell awk




<script src=""></script>
<select name="s1" id="select1">
    <option value="Facebook and Twitter">Facebook and Twitter</option>
    <option value="Google and Yandex">Google and Yandex</option>
<select name="s2" id="select2">
    <option value="Okay">Okay</option>
    <option value="No">No</option>

总计:( 100 + 120 ++ 240)= 460





kg  rate    total 
Tomato  4   50  100
potato  2   60  120 
Beans   3   80  240

总计:(200 + 120 ++ 240)= 560

计算错误: 番茄的Vegtotal错了:它应该是200而不是100 总的来说是错误的:它应该是560而不是460



kg  rate    vegtotal

Tomato  4   50  200
potato  2   60  120 
Beans   3   80  240


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

复杂 awk 解决方案:

awk 'NF && NR>1 && $0!~/total:/{ 
         r=$2*$3; v=(v!="")? v"+"r : r; 
         if(r!=$4){ veg_er[$1]=r" instead of "$4 } 
         err_t+=$4; t+=r; $4=r 
     $0~/total/ && err_t { 
         print $1,"("v")",$3,t; print "Error in calculations:"; 
         for(i in veg_er) { print "Veg total for "i" is wrong: it should be "veg_er[i] } 
         print "Overalltotal is wrong: It should be "t" instead of "err_t; next 
     }1' inputfile


kg  rate    total 
Tomato 4 50 200
potato 2 60 120
Beans 3 80 240

Overalltotal: (200+120+240) = 560
Error in calculations:
Veg total for Tomato is wrong: it should be 200 instead of 100
Overalltotal is wrong: It should be 560 instead of 460


  • NF && NR>1 && $0!~/total:/ - 考虑 veg 行(执行标题总计行)

  • r=$2*$3 - 第二和第三个字段的产品的结果

  • v=(v!="")? v"+"r : r - 连接生成的产品

  • veg_er - 包含错误vegs信息的数组( veg 名称,错误的产品值和真实的产品值)

    < / LI>
  • err_t+=$4 - 累积错误的总值

  • t+=r - 累积真实总值

  • $0~/total/ && err_t - 处理行和错误事件

答案 1 :(得分:0)


akshay@db-3325:/tmp$ cat file
kg  rate    total
Tomato 4 50 100 
potato 2 60 120 
Beans 3 80 240


akshay@db-3325:/tmp$ awk 'FNR>1{sum+= $2 * $3 }1;END{print "Total : "sum}' file
kg  rate    total
Tomato 4 50 100 
potato 2 60 120 
Beans 3 80 240
Total : 560


awk '                              # call awk
    FNR>1{                         # if no of lines of current file is greater than 1, 
                                   # then , this is to skip first row
            sum+= $2 * $3          # sum total which is product of value
                                   # in column2 and column3
     }1;                           # 1 at the end does default operation, 
                                   # that is print current record ( print $0 )
                                   # if you want to skip record being printed remove "1", so that script just prints total
     END{                          # end block
            print "Total : "sum    # print sum
    ' file