我刚刚开始编程,并且学习了python 3.这是我写的第一个大程序,它可以工作,但是我有太多的if / elif语句。一位在谷歌担任软件工程师的朋友建议我发挥作用,我已经尝试过研究它,但却找不到明确的答案。我的问题如下:
** 1。如何整合所有if / elif语句以使其更具可读性?
print("\nWelcome to Paul's Corner! We have a variety of foods available.
Please choose from these options:")
print("\n1. Pizza - $9.00")
print("2. Pasta - $12.00")
print("3. House Salad - $8.00")
print("4. Soup - $4.00\n")
food = input("> ")
if food == "Pizza" or food == "pizza":
print("\nYou have chosen Pizza! Excellent choice! Now, What would you like to drink?")
print("\n1. Sprite - $1.00")
print("2. Orange Fanta - $1.00")
print("3. Coke - $1.00")
print("4. Diet Coke - $1.00")
drink1 = input("> ")
if drink1 == "Sprite" or drink1 == "sprite":
print("Great! So, your order is a Pizza and a Sprite, is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer1 = input("> ")
if answer1 == "Yes" or answer1 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer1 == "No" or answer1 == "no":
print("We're sorry. What would you like instead?")
elif drink1 == "Orange Fanta" or drink1 == "orange fanta" or drink1 == "Fanta" or drink1 == "fanta":
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Fanta. Is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer2 = input()
if answer2 == "Yes" or answer2 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer2 == "No" or answer2 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
elif drink1 == "Coke" or drink1 == "coke":
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Coke. Is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer3 = input()
if answer3 == "Yes" or answer3 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer3 == "No" or answer3 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
elif drink1 == "Diet Coke" or drink1 == "diet coke":
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Diet Coke. Is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer4 = input()
if answer4 == "Yes" or answer4 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer4 == "No" or answer4 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
elif food == "2" or food == "Pasta" or food == "pasta":
print("\n You have chosen Pasta! Excellent choice! Now, what would you like to drink?")
print("\n1. Sprite")
print("2. Orange Fanta")
print("3. Coke")
print("4. Diet Coke\n")
drink2 = input("> ")
if drink2 == "Sprite" or drink2 == "sprite":
print("Great! So, your orer is a Pizza and a Sprite, is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer5 = input("> ")
if answer5 == "Yes" or answer5 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer5 == "No" or answer5 == "no":
print("We're sorry. What would you like instead?")
elif drink2 == "Orange Fanta" or drink2 == "orange fanta" or drink2 == "Fanta" or drink2 == "fanta":
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Fanta. Is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer6 = input()
if answer6 == "Yes" or answer6== "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer6 == "No" or answer6 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
elif drink2 == "Coke" or drink2 == "coke":
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Coke. Is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer7 = input()
if answer7 == "Yes" or answer7 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer7 == "No" or answer7 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
elif drink2 == "Diet Coke" or drink2 == "diet coke" :
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Diet Coke. Is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer8 = input()
if answer8 == "Yes" or answer8 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer8 == "No" or answer8 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
elif food == "House Salad" or food == "house salad" or food == "Salad" or food == "salad":
print("\n You have chosen our House Salad! Excellent choice! Now, what would you like to drink?")
print("\n1. Sprite")
print("2. Orange Fanta")
print("3. Coke")
print("4. Diet Coke\n")
drink3 = input("> ")
if drink3 == "Sprite" or drink3 == "sprite":
print("Great! So, your orer is a Pizza and a Sprite, is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer9 = input("> ")
if answer9 == "Yes" or answer9 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer9 == "No" or answer9 == "no":
print("We're sorry. What would you like instead?")
elif drink3 == "Orange Fanta" or drink3 == "orange fanta" or drink3 == "Fanta" or drink3 == "fanta":
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Fanta. Is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer10 = input()
if answer10 == "Yes" or answer10== "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer10 == "No" or answer10 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
elif drink3 == "Coke" or drink3 == "coke":
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Coke. Is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer11 = input()
if answer11 == "Yes" or answer11 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer11 == "No" or answer11 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
elif drink3 == "Diet Coke" or drink3 == "diet coke" :
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Diet Coke. Is that correct\n?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No\n")
answer12 = input()
if answer12 == "Yes" or answer12 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer12 == "No" or answer12 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
elif food == "Soup" or food == "soup":
print("\n You have chosen our Soup! Excellent choice! Now, what would you like to drink?")
print("\n1. Sprite")
print("2. Orange Fanta")
print("3. Coke")
print("4. Diet Coke\n")
drink4 = input("> ")
if drink4 == "Sprite" or drink4 == "sprite":
print("Great! So, your orer is a Pizza and a Sprite, is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer13 = input("> ")
if answer13 == "Yes" or answer13 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer13 == "No" or answer13 == "no":
print("We're sorry. What would you like instead?")
elif drink4 == "Orange Fanta" or drink4 == "orange fanta" or drink4 == "Fanta" or drink4 == "fanta":
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Fanta. Is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer14 = input()
if answer14 == "Yes" or answer14 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer14 == "No" or answer14 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
elif drink4 == "Coke" or drink4 == "coke":
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Coke. Is that correct?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
answer15 = input()
if answer15 == "Yes" or answer15 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer15 == "No" or answer15 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
elif drink4 == "Diet Coke" or drink4 == "diet coke" :
print("Great! So, your order is Pizza and Diet Coke. Is that correct\n?")
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No\n")
answer16 = input()
if answer16 == "Yes" or answer16 == "yes":
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
elif answer16 == "No" or answer16 == "no":
print("We're sorry. WHat would you like instead?")
答案 0 :(得分:0)
def exec_sprite():
print("Great! Sprite...")
def exec_coke():
print("Great! Coke...")
def exec_orange_fanta():
print("Great! Orange Fanta...")
drinks = {
"sprite" : exec_sprite,
"coke" : exec_coke,
"orange fanta" : exec_orange_fanta}
drink1 = input("> ")
#break # with while(true) to break out of it
except KeyError as e:
print("Sorry, did not understand.")
您甚至可以将try: ... except...
即class Drinks
答案 1 :(得分:0)
main_menu = """Welcome to Paul's Corner! We have a variety of foods available.
Please choose from these options:)
1. Pizza - $9.00
2. Pasta - $12.00
3. House Salad - $8.00
4. Soup - $4.00"""
food_list = {1:'Pizza', 2:'Pasta', 3:'House Salad', 4:'Soup'}
#drinks_list = {1:'coke', ......
def get_food_type(list_of_options: dict, menu: str) -> "the selected food":
print("Please select number> ", end='')
while True:
choice = int(input())
if choice in range(1, len(list_of_options)+1):
selection =list_of_options[choice]
if confirm_choice(choice):
return choice
print("Try again: ", end='')
def confirm_choice(choice):
print("You have selected", choice, "is that correct? (y/n) ", end='')
while True:
choice = input().lower()
if choice == 'y':
return True
if choice == 'n':
return False
print("Invalid selection, Try again", end='')
main_course_food = get_food_type(food_list, main_menu)
#get_food_type(drinks_list, drinks_menu)
#ect ect...
答案 2 :(得分:0)
foods = {
"Pizza": 9.00,
"Pasta": 12.00,
"House Salad": 8.00,
"Soup": 4.00
drinks = {
"Sprite": 1.00,
"Orange Fanta": 1.00,
"Coke": 1.00,
"Diet Coke": 1.00
def getChoice(choices):
items = [(key, value) for key, value in choices.items()]
text = "\n".join([
"{}. {}".format(i+1, s)
for i, s in enumerate(["{}: - ${:.2f}".format(key, value)
for key, value in items])
print(text + "\n")
while True:
choice = input("> ")
if choice.title() in choices:
choiceNum = int(choice) - 1
if choiceNum >= 0:
choice = items[choiceNum][0]
#choice = choiceText
except (ValueError, IndexError):
print("\nI did not understand '{}'. Please try again...".format(choice))
choice = choice.title()
print("\nYou have chosen {}! Excellent choice!\n".format(choice))
return choice
print("\nWelcome to Paul's Corner! We have a variety of foods available. Please choose from these options:")
while True:
food = getChoice(foods)
print("Now, What would you like to drink?")
drink = getChoice(drinks)
print("Great! So, your order is a {} and a {}, is that correct?".format(food, drink))
print("1. Yes")
print("2. No")
confirmed = input("> ")
if confirmed.lower() == "yes" or confirmed == '1':
print("Great! Thank you for choosing Paul's Corner!")
print("We're sorry. What would you like instead?")