
时间:2017-06-14 19:16:50

标签: php neo4j cypher

我正在构建一个PHP Web应用程序并使用Neo4j进行图形表示。


为了表示这种结构,图表是合适的。但是,问题仍然是如何允许最终用户按顺序浏览产品。我需要的是用户正在查看的每个“当前节点”,以了解下一个和前一个节点。此问题不仅限于页面的兄弟,也适用于 0..n-degree兄弟姐妹(即兄弟姐妹,叔叔节点,伟大的叔叔节点等)。

我可以使用一系列简单的 NODE-relationship-NODE 三元组来轻松地表示产品结构:

({id: 1000})-[:OWNS]->({id: 12})   // assume 1000 is a product node
({id: 1000})-[:OWNS]->({id: 13})   // with 12, 13 as its categories

// 12's descendant pages
({id: 12})-[:OWNS]->({id: 22})
({id: 12})-[:OWNS]->({id: 23})
({id: 12})-[:OWNS]->({id: 24})

// 13's descendant pages
({id: 13})-[:OWNS]->({id: 25})
({id: 13})-[:OWNS]->({id: 26})
({id: 13})-[:OWNS]->({id: 27})









// assuming OWNS.order = 0 for all 
// and OWNS.added = timestamp increases with each CREATE operation:
({id: 1000})-[:NEXT]->({id: 12})-[:NEXT]->({id: 22})-[:NEXT]->({id: 23})-[:NEXT]->({id: 24})-[:NEXT]->({id: 13})-[:NEXT]->({id: 25})-[:NEXT]->({id: 26})-[:NEXT]->({id: 27}) 


1000, 12, 22, 23, 24, 13, 25, 26, 27


  1. 父母(P_ {i})与其第一个(最左侧)子女(C_ {0})之间的关系

  2. 父母(P_ {i})的最后一个(最右边)孩子(C_ {n})与父母的下一个右兄弟(P_ {i + 1})之间的关系。

  3. 在没有孩子或兄弟姐妹的情况下,可以找到关系中的1级或更多级别的链接。





    MATCH (cur)
    // Use optional matches because not all nodes will have these
    // Match if has children
    OPTIONAL MATCH (cur)-[rc:OWNS]->(child)
    // Looking for next siblings, uncles, or great uncles. To do this
    // i isolate the part of the pattern that might attach in between 
    // ancestors all the way until the ancestor of interest (named parent) 
    // which a suitable next sibling/uncle/great uncle/etc
    // i want a reference to r and r2 so they can be compared.
    // And note that rz has a 0 or more requirement, which 
    // means potentially (cur) and (betweenparents) end up being equal
    // and that (sibling) could end up being on the same level.
    OPTIONAL MATCH (cur)<-[rz:OWNS*0..]-(betweenparents)<-[r:OWNS]-(parent)-[r2:OWNS]->(sibling)
    // Condition is that the (sibling) node is considered "next to"
    // the (current) node.
    WHERE r2.order >= r.order AND r2.added > r.added
    // Now order by first the current node's children if any as
    // they have priority, then by the distance of the parent who has
    // the suitable sibling/uncle/great uncle/etc, followed by, followed
    // by the intended order of the sibling nodes (this puts at the head
    // of the list the very immediately next item of both child
    // and sibling) 
    WITH cur, child, sibling, r2, size(rz) as depth, rc
    ORDER BY rc.added, depth, r2.added
    // Now can grab the head child element and head sibling element
    // if either exists, which are (hopefully) guaranteed to be 
    // ordered sequentially "next" of the current node.
    WITH cur, HEAD(COLLECT(child)) as c, HEAD(COLLECT(sibling)) as s 
    return cur.id, c.id, s.id
    ORDER BY cur.id



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




MERGE (post:module{id: 21})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:1}]->(post:module{id: 25})
MERGE (post:module{id: 18})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:2}]->(post:module{id: 26})

MERGE (post:product{id: 1000})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:3}]->(post:module{id: 10})
MERGE (post:product{id: 1000})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:4}]->(post:module{id: 11})
MERGE (post:product{id: 1000})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:5}]->(post:module{id: 12})

MERGE (post:module{id: 10})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:6}]->(post:module{id: 13})
MERGE (post:module{id: 10})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:7}]->(post:module{id: 14})

MERGE (post:module{id: 11})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:8}]->(post:module{id: 15})

MERGE (post:module{id: 12})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:9}]->(post:module{id: 16})
MERGE (post:module{id: 12})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:10}]->(post:module{id: 17})

MERGE (post:module{id: 16})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:11}]->(post:module{id: 18})
MERGE (post:module{id: 16})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:12}]->(post:module{id: 19})

MERGE (post:product{id: 1001})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:13}]->(post:module{id: 20})
MERGE (post:product{id: 1001})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:15}]->(post:module{id: 23})

MERGE (post:module{id: 20})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:16}]->(post:module{id: 21})
MERGE (post:module{id: 20})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:17}]->(post:module{id: 24})

// These will cause a loop, and have been remarked out as invalid. 
// One would need to assert no such relations are created by checking
// for an existing shared ancestor of the two nodes being attempted 
// to be connected.

//MERGE (post:module{id: 21})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:18}]->(post:module{id: 12})
//MERGE (post:module{id: 18})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:19}]->(post:module{id: 10})

MERGE (post:product{id: 1001})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:20}]->(post:module{id: 16})
MERGE (post:product{id: 1002})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:21}]->(post:module{id: 22})

MERGE (post:module{id: 22})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:22}]->(post:module{id: 12})
MERGE (post:module{id: 22})-[:OWNS {order:0, added:23}]->(post:module{id: 21})


MATCH (cur)

// Use optional matches because not all nodes will have a valid next

// Match if has children
OPTIONAL MATCH (cur)-[rc:OWNS]->(child)

// Looking for next siblings, uncles, or great uncles. To do this
// i isolate the part of the pattern that might attach in between 
// ancestors all the way until the ancestor of interest (named parent) 
// which is a suitable next sibling/uncle/great uncle/etc
// i want a reference to r and r2 so they can be compared.
// And note that rz has a 0 or more requirement, which 
// means potentially (cur) and (betweenparents) end up being equal
// and that (sibling) could end up being on the same level as
// (current).

OPTIONAL MATCH (cur)<-[rz:OWNS*0..]-(betweenparents)<-[r:OWNS]-(parent)-[r2:OWNS]->(sibling)

// Condition is that the (sibling) node is considered "next to"
// the (current) node.
WHERE r2.order >= r.order AND r2.added > r.added

// Now order by first the current node's children if any as
// they have priority, then by the distance of the parent who has
// the suitable sibling/uncle/great uncle/etc, followed
// by the intended order of the sibling nodes (this puts at the head
// of the results the immediately next items of both child
// and sibling).

WITH cur, child, sibling, r2, size(rz) as depth, rc
ORDER BY rc.order, rc.added, depth, r2.order, r2.added

// Now can grab the head child element or head sibling element
// if one is not null. These are guaranteed to be 
// ordered sequentially starting from the "next" of the 
// current node.

WITH cur, HEAD(FILTER( i in COLLECT(coalesce(child,sibling)) WHERE i is NOT NULL ))  as s 

// Create relationship from cur to the head item child or sibling 
// that was found to be a valid next.
foreach(i in CASE WHEN s IS NULL then [] else [s] end |
    MERGE (cur)-[:NEXT]->(i)

see graph result


// TO QUERY THE previous, cur, next nodes
OPTIONAL MATCH (cur:post{id: 23})-[:NEXT]->(next)<-[:OWNS*0..]-(context:product{id: 1001})
OPTIONAL MATCH (cur)<-[:NEXT]-(prev)<-[:OWNS*0..]-(context) 
return prev, cur,next

