D3 v4同时移动圆圈和文字

时间:2017-06-12 12:02:08

标签: javascript d3.js

作为一个起点,我使用this code创建一个D3 v4的有向图。



    .attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; })
    .attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; });

我的实施可以在this jsfiddle及以下地址找到:

// Create somewhere to put the force directed graph
var svg = d3.select("svg"),
    width = +svg.attr("width"),
    height = +svg.attr("height");

var radius = 20;

var nodes_data =  [
    {"id": "Lillian", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Gordon", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Sylvester", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Mary", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Helen", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Jamie", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Jessie", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Ashton", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Duncan", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Evette", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Mauer", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Fray", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Duke", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Baron", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Infante", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Percy", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Cynthia", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Feyton", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Lesley", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Yvette", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Maria", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Lexy", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Peter", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Ashley", "sex": "F"},
    {"id": "Finkler", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Damo", "sex": "M"},
    {"id": "Imogen", "sex": "F"}];
var links_data = [
    {"source": "Sylvester", "target": "Gordon", "type":"A" },
    {"source": "Sylvester", "target": "Lillian", "type":"A" },
    {"source": "Sylvester", "target": "Mary", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Sylvester", "target": "Jamie", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Sylvester", "target": "Jessie", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Sylvester", "target": "Helen", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Helen", "target": "Gordon", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Mary", "target": "Lillian", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Ashton", "target": "Mary", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Duncan", "target": "Jamie", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Gordon", "target": "Jessie", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Sylvester", "target": "Fray", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Fray", "target": "Mauer", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Fray", "target": "Cynthia", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Fray", "target": "Percy", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Percy", "target": "Cynthia", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Infante", "target": "Duke", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Duke", "target": "Gordon", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Duke", "target": "Sylvester", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Baron", "target": "Duke", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Baron", "target": "Sylvester", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Evette", "target": "Sylvester", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Cynthia", "target": "Sylvester", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Cynthia", "target": "Jamie", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Mauer", "target": "Jessie", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Duke", "target": "Lexy", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Feyton", "target": "Lexy", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Maria", "target": "Feyton", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Baron", "target": "Yvette", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Evette", "target": "Maria", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Cynthia", "target": "Yvette", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Maria", "target": "Jamie", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Maria", "target": "Lesley", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Ashley", "target": "Damo", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Damo", "target": "Lexy", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Maria", "target": "Feyton", "type":"A"},
    {"source": "Finkler", "target": "Ashley", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Sylvester", "target": "Maria", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Peter", "target": "Finkler", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Ashley", "target": "Gordon", "type":"E"},
    {"source": "Maria", "target": "Imogen", "type":"E"}];

// Set up the simulation and add forces
var simulation = d3.forceSimulation()

var link_force =  d3.forceLink(links_data)
                        .id(function(d) { return d.id; });

var charge_force = d3.forceManyBody()

var center_force = d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height / 2);

    .force("charge_force", charge_force)
    .force("center_force", center_force)

// Add tick instructions:
simulation.on("tick", tickActions );

// Add encompassing group for the zoom
var g = svg.append("g")
    .attr("class", "everything");

// Draw lines for the links
var link = g.append("g")
        .attr("class", "links")
                    .attr("stroke-width", 2)
                    .style("stroke", linkColour);

// Draw circles and texts for the nodes
var nodes = g.append("g")
        .attr("class", "nodes");

var node = nodes.selectAll("node")

var circle = node.append("circle")
        .attr("r", radius)
        .attr("fill", circleColour)
        .attr("cx", function(d){return d.x})
        .attr("cy", function(d){return d.y});

var text = node.append("text")
        .attr("cx", function(d){return d.x})
        .attr("cy", function(d){return d.y});

// Add drag capabilities
var drag_handler = d3.drag()
    .on("start", drag_start)
    .on("drag", drag_drag)
    .on("end", drag_end);


// Add zoom capabilities
var zoom_handler = d3.zoom()
    .on("zoom", zoom_actions);


/** Functions **/

function circleColour(d){
    if(d.sex == "M"){
        return "blue";
    } else {
        return "pink";

// Function to choose the line colour and thickness
function linkColour(d){
    return "black";

// Drag functions
function drag_start(d) {
 if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0.3).restart();
    d.fx = d.x;
    d.fy = d.y;

// Make sure you can't drag the circle outside the box
function drag_drag(d) {
  d.fx = d3.event.x;
  d.fy = d3.event.y;

function drag_end(d) {
  if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0);
  d.fx = null;
  d.fy = null;

// Zoom functions
function zoom_actions(){
    g.attr("transform", d3.event.transform)

function tickActions() {
    // update node positions each tick of the simulation
        .attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; })
        .attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; });

    // update link positions
        .attr("x1", function(d) { return d.source.x; })
        .attr("y1", function(d) { return d.source.y; })
        .attr("x2", function(d) { return d.target.x; })
        .attr("y2", function(d) { return d.target.y; });

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  1. 没有名为<node>的SVG元素。因此,而不是......



  2. 文字元素没有cxcy属性。

  3. 您必须,而不是更改cx的{​​{1}}或cy,而node没有(因为它是<g>元素)翻译

    node.attr("transform", function(d) {
        return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"
  4. 总之,这是您更新的代码:

    .links line {
      stroke: #999;
      stroke-opacity: 0.6;
    .nodes circle {
      stroke: black;
      stroke-width: 0px;
    <svg width="800" height="500"></svg>
    <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
      // Create somewhere to put the force directed graph
      var svg = d3.select("svg"),
        width = +svg.attr("width"),
        height = +svg.attr("height");
      var radius = 20;
      // DATA
      var nodes_data = [{
        "id": "Lillian",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Gordon",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Sylvester",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Mary",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Helen",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Jamie",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Jessie",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Ashton",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Duncan",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Evette",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Mauer",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Fray",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Duke",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Baron",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Infante",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Percy",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Cynthia",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Feyton",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Lesley",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Yvette",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Maria",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Lexy",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Peter",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Ashley",
        "sex": "F"
      }, {
        "id": "Finkler",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Damo",
        "sex": "M"
      }, {
        "id": "Imogen",
        "sex": "F"
      var links_data = [{
        "source": "Sylvester",
        "target": "Gordon",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Sylvester",
        "target": "Lillian",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Sylvester",
        "target": "Mary",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Sylvester",
        "target": "Jamie",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Sylvester",
        "target": "Jessie",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Sylvester",
        "target": "Helen",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Helen",
        "target": "Gordon",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Mary",
        "target": "Lillian",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Ashton",
        "target": "Mary",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Duncan",
        "target": "Jamie",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Gordon",
        "target": "Jessie",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Sylvester",
        "target": "Fray",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Fray",
        "target": "Mauer",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Fray",
        "target": "Cynthia",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Fray",
        "target": "Percy",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Percy",
        "target": "Cynthia",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Infante",
        "target": "Duke",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Duke",
        "target": "Gordon",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Duke",
        "target": "Sylvester",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Baron",
        "target": "Duke",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Baron",
        "target": "Sylvester",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Evette",
        "target": "Sylvester",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Cynthia",
        "target": "Sylvester",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Cynthia",
        "target": "Jamie",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Mauer",
        "target": "Jessie",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Duke",
        "target": "Lexy",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Feyton",
        "target": "Lexy",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Maria",
        "target": "Feyton",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Baron",
        "target": "Yvette",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Evette",
        "target": "Maria",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Cynthia",
        "target": "Yvette",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Maria",
        "target": "Jamie",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Maria",
        "target": "Lesley",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Ashley",
        "target": "Damo",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Damo",
        "target": "Lexy",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Maria",
        "target": "Feyton",
        "type": "A"
      }, {
        "source": "Finkler",
        "target": "Ashley",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Sylvester",
        "target": "Maria",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Peter",
        "target": "Finkler",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Ashley",
        "target": "Gordon",
        "type": "E"
      }, {
        "source": "Maria",
        "target": "Imogen",
        "type": "E"
      // Set up the simulation and add forces
      var simulation = d3.forceSimulation()
      var link_force = d3.forceLink(links_data)
        .id(function(d) {
          return d.id;
      var charge_force = d3.forceManyBody()
      var center_force = d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height / 2);
        .force("charge_force", charge_force)
        .force("center_force", center_force)
        .force("links", link_force);
      // Add tick instructions:
      simulation.on("tick", tickActions);
      // Add encompassing group for the zoom
      var g = svg.append("g")
        .attr("class", "everything");
      // Draw lines for the links
      var link = g.append("g")
        .attr("class", "links")
        .attr("stroke-width", 2)
        .style("stroke", linkColour);
      // Draw circles and texts for the nodes
      var nodes = g.append("g")
        .attr("class", "nodes");
      var node = nodes.selectAll("node")
      var circle = node.append("circle")
        .attr("r", radius)
        .attr("fill", circleColour);
      var text = node.append("text")
        .attr("y", -22)
        .attr("text-anchor", "middle");
      // Add drag capabilities
      var drag_handler = d3.drag()
        .on("start", drag_start)
        .on("drag", drag_drag)
        .on("end", drag_end);
      // Add zoom capabilities
      var zoom_handler = d3.zoom()
        .on("zoom", zoom_actions);
      /** Functions **/
      function circleColour(d) {
        if (d.sex == "M") {
          return "blue";
        } else {
          return "pink";
      // Function to choose the line colour and thickness
      function linkColour(d) {
        return "black";
      // Drag functions
      function drag_start(d) {
        if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0.3).restart();
        d.fx = d.x;
        d.fy = d.y;
      // Make sure you can't drag the circle outside the box
      function drag_drag(d) {
        d.fx = d3.event.x;
        d.fy = d3.event.y;
      function drag_end(d) {
        if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0);
        d.fx = null;
        d.fy = null;
      // Zoom functions
      function zoom_actions() {
        g.attr("transform", d3.event.transform)
      function tickActions() {
        // update node positions each tick of the simulation
        node.attr("transform", function(d) {
          return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"
        // update link positions
          .attr("x1", function(d) {
            return d.source.x;
          .attr("y1", function(d) {
            return d.source.y;
          .attr("x2", function(d) {
            return d.target.x;
          .attr("y2", function(d) {
            return d.target.y;

答案 1 :(得分:1)


我是怎么做到的? 首先,我删除了node元素并将其更改为带有类节点的g元素。

var node = nodes.selectAll("g")
        .attr('class', 'node');


node.attr('transform', function (d) {
        return 'translate(' + d.x + ', ' + d.y + ')';


var circle = node.append("circle")
    .attr("r", radius)
    .attr("fill", circleColour)
    .attr("cy", 0);


var text = node.append("text")
    .style("text-anchor", "middle");