处理Win32 :: API返回的宽字符值

时间:2017-06-11 21:21:50

标签: perl winapi

wide char and win32::api中提供的答案适用于 utf-16传递给Win API。但是如何通过Win API转换utf16字符串返回? (我正在尝试使用GetCommandLineW)。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

当您指定返回值是一个字符串时,Win32 :: API假定它以一个值为0的字节终止,但具有该值的字节在UTF-16le文本中是常见的。

正如Win32 :: API建议的那样,您应该使用N类型(或64位版本上的Q)将指针作为数字,然后自己读取指向的内存。 Win32 :: API提供ReadMemory来读取内存,但它需要知道要读取多少内存。这对于NUL终止的字符串和宽NUL终止的字符串没用。

对于后者,Win32 :: API提供SafeReadWideCStringSafeReadWideCString可以在出错时返回有效字符串,因此我使用自己的decode_LPCWSTR代替。

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say state );

use open ':std', ':encoding('.do { require Win32; "cp".Win32::GetConsoleOutputCP() }.')';

use Config     qw( %Config );
use Encode     qw( decode encode );
use Win32::API qw( ReadMemory );

use constant PTR_SIZE => $Config{ptrsize};

use constant PTR_PACK_FORMAT =>
     PTR_SIZE == 8 ? 'Q'
   : PTR_SIZE == 4 ? 'L'
   : die("Unrecognized ptrsize\n");

use constant PTR_WIN32API_TYPE =>
     PTR_SIZE == 8 ? 'Q'
   : PTR_SIZE == 4 ? 'N'
   : die("Unrecognized ptrsize\n");

sub lstrlenW {
   my ($ptr) = @_;

   state $lstrlenW = Win32::API->new('kernel32', 'lstrlenW', PTR_WIN32API_TYPE, 'i')
      or die($^E);

   return $lstrlenW->Call($ptr);

sub decode_LPCWSTR {
   my ($ptr) = @_;
   return undef if !$ptr;

   my $num_chars = lstrlenW($ptr)
      or return '';

   return decode('UTF-16le', ReadMemory($ptr, $num_chars * 2));

# Returns true on success. Returns false and sets $^E on error.
sub LocalFree {
   my ($ptr) = @_;

   state $LocalFree = Win32::API->new('kernel32', 'LocalFree', PTR_WIN32API_TYPE, PTR_WIN32API_TYPE)
      or die($^E);

   return $LocalFree->Call($ptr) == 0;

sub GetCommandLine {
   state $GetCommandLine = Win32::API->new('kernel32', 'GetCommandLineW', '', PTR_WIN32API_TYPE)
      or die($^E);

   return decode_LPCWSTR($GetCommandLine->Call());

# Returns a reference to an array on success. Returns undef and sets $^E on error.
sub CommandLineToArgv {
   my ($cmd_line) = @_;

   state $CommandLineToArgv = Win32::API->new('shell32', 'CommandLineToArgvW', 'PP', PTR_WIN32API_TYPE)
      or die($^E);

   my $cmd_line_encoded = encode('UTF-16le', $cmd_line."\0");
   my $num_args_buf = pack('i', 0);  # Allocate space for an "int".

   my $arg_ptrs_ptr = $CommandLineToArgv->Call($cmd_line_encoded, $num_args_buf)
      or return undef;

   my $num_args = unpack('i', $num_args_buf);
   my @args =
      map { decode_LPCWSTR($_) }
         unpack PTR_PACK_FORMAT.'*',
            ReadMemory($arg_ptrs_ptr, PTR_SIZE * $num_args);

   return \@args;

   my $cmd_line = GetCommandLine();

   say $cmd_line;

   my $args = CommandLineToArgv($cmd_line)
      or die("CommandLineToArgv: $^E\n");

   for my $arg (@$args) {
      say "<$arg>";