Furniture.Chair 我需要" Category1"栏目和主席在"类别2"列,但如果字符串是这样的:
家具。然后我需要" Null" in" Category2"柱。但我无法做到这一点。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
with data (val) as
select 'furniture' from dual union all -- without the dot
select 'furniture.' from dual union all -- dot at the end
select '.furniture' from dual union all -- dot at the beginning
select null from dual union all -- no input
select 'home owners.home.home' from dual union all -- if more than one dot is found
select 'health and beauty.skin care' from dual -- words followed by dot followed by words
, coll as
-- [^\.]+ any character sequence other than dot (+ is for one or more)
-- (\.|) find a dot or nothing - eg. 'furniture' with a dot
-- (([^\.]+)) the outer brackets capture the first group \1;
-- the first inner brackets capture the second group
-- the last argument to the regexp_substr below ie. '2' tells
-- method our interest is in the second group within the match
-- identified by (([^\.]+)(\.|))
regexp_substr(val, '(([^\.]+)(\.|))', 1, 1, null, '2') as first,
regexp_substr(val, '(\.(.*))', 1, 1, null, '2') as the_rest
from data
case when first is null then 'Unknown Category' else first end as first,
case when first is null then 'Unknown Category' else first end as the_rest
from coll