将我的应用程序的导航处理从react-native-router-flux移动到react-router-native时,我似乎发现了我的应用程序的本机UI操作系统的处理问题。 / p>
我的应用程序有几个动画数据图,我用Java实现并以Native UI Components的形式导入React Native。可视化由在加载ui组件时启动的后台线程上的一些资源饥饿的可运行程序提供支持。以前,我通过将原生ui组件(isVisible)的prop更改为false来停止这些线程。
我试图通过在componentWillUnmount中将原生ui组件prop isVisible更改为false来关闭它们,但即使这样也无法解决问题。也许是因为在componentWillUnmount之后没有该组件的另一个渲染?
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After fiddling around for a while I came up with a solution that I thought I should share here.
It's not included in the React Native docs, but there is a function called onDropViewInstance
that is called in the React SimpleViewManager class whenever a Native Java UI Components is unmounted.
In order to get around my problem of having some thread still running, all I had to do was explicitly stop those threads in that onDropViewInstance