服务器端渲染。 Web API和Angular 2

时间:2017-06-05 10:56:16

标签: c# angular asp.net-core asp.net-core-webapi angular-universal

我开发了使用ASP.NET Core Web APIAngular 4构建的网络应用程序。我的模块捆绑器是Web Pack 2

我想通过Facebook,Twitter,Google使我的应用程序可抓取或链接共享。当某些用户尝试在Facebook上发布我的新闻时,url必须相同。例如,Jon希望在Facebook上与网址共享页面 - http://myappl.com/#/hellopage,然后Jon将此链接插入Facebook:http://myappl.com/#/hellopage

我已经看过Angular Universal server side rendering without tag helper的这个教程,并希望进行服务器端渲染。当我使用ASP.NET Core Web API并且我的Angular 4应用程序没有任何.cshtml个视图时,我无法从控制器发送数据通过我的控制器通过ViewData["SpaHtml"]查看:

ViewData["SpaHtml"] = prerenderResult.Html;

此外,我看到this google tutorial of Angular Universal,但他们使用的是NodeJS服务器,而不是ASP.NET Core


import { Meta } from '@angular/platform-browser';

    private metaService: Meta) {

let newText = "Foo data. This is test data!:)";
    //metatags to publish this page at social nets
        // Open Graph data
        { property: 'og:title', content: newText },
        { property: 'og:description', content: newText },        { 
        { property: "og:url", content: window.location.href },        
        { property: 'og:image', content: "http://www.freeimageslive.co.uk/files
                                /images004/Italy_Venice_Canal_Grande.jpg" }]);


    <meta property="og:title" content="Foo data. This is test data!:)">    
    <meta property="og:description" content="Foo data. This is test data!:)">
    <meta name="og:url" content="http://foourl.com">
    <meta property="og:image" content="http://www.freeimageslive.co.uk/files


import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';



var path = require('path');

var webpack = require('webpack');

var ProvidePlugin = require('webpack/lib/ProvidePlugin');
var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
var CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
var CleanWebpackPlugin = require('clean-webpack-plugin');
var WebpackNotifierPlugin = require('webpack-notifier');

var isProd = (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production');

function getPlugins() {
    var plugins = [];

    // Always expose NODE_ENV to webpack, you can now use `process.env.NODE_ENV`
    // inside your code for any environment checks; UglifyJS will automatically
    // drop any unreachable code.
    plugins.push(new webpack.DefinePlugin({
        'process.env': {
            'NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(process.env.NODE_ENV)

    plugins.push(new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
        jQuery: 'jquery',
        $: 'jquery',
        jquery: 'jquery'
    plugins.push(new CleanWebpackPlugin(

    return plugins;

module.exports = {

    devtool: 'source-map',

    entry: {
        app: './persons-app/main.ts' // 

    output: {
        path: "./wwwroot/",
        filename: 'js/[name]-[hash:8].bundle.js',
        publicPath: "/"

    resolve: {
        extensions: ['.ts', '.js', '.json', '.css', '.scss', '.html']

    devServer: {
        historyApiFallback: true,
        stats: 'minimal',
        outputPath: path.join(__dirname, 'wwwroot/')

    module: {
        rules: [{
                test: /\.ts$/,
                exclude: /node_modules/,
                loader: 'tslint-loader',
                enforce: 'pre'
                test: /\.ts$/,
                loaders: [


                test: /\.js/,
                loader: 'babel',
                exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/
                test: /\.(png|jpg|gif|ico)$/,
                exclude: /node_modules/,
                loader: "file?name=img/[name].[ext]"
                test: /\.css$/,
                exclude: /node_modules/,                
                use: ['to-string-loader', 'style-loader', 'css-loader'],
                test: /\.scss$/,
                exclude: /node_modules/,
                loaders: ["style", "css", "sass"]
                test: /\.html$/,
                loader: 'raw'
                test: /\.(eot|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|otf)$/,
                loader: 'file?name=fonts/[name].[ext]'
        exprContextCritical: false
    plugins: getPlugins()


是否可以在没有ViewData的情况下进行服务器端渲染?是否有另一种方法可以在ASP.NET Core Web API和Angular 2中进行服务器端渲染?

我上传了an example to a github repository

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

There is an option in Angular to use HTML5 style urls (without hashes): LocationStrategy and browser URL styles. You should opt this URL style. And for each URL that you want to be shared o Facebook you need to render the entire page as shown in the tutorial you referenced. Having full URL on server you are able to render corresponding view and return HTML.

Code provided by @DávidMolnár might work very well for the purpose, but I haven't tried yet.


First of all, to make server prerendering work you should not use useHash: true which prevents sending route information to the server.

In the demo ASP.NET Core + Angular 2 universal app that was mentioned in GitHub issue you referenced, ASP.NET Core MVC Controller and View are used only to server prerendered HTML from Angular in a more convenient way. For the remaining part of application only WebAPI is used from .NET Core world everything else is Angular and related web technologies.

It is convenient to use Razor view, but if you are strictly against it you can hardcode HTML into controller action directly:

public async Task<string> Index()
    var nodeServices = Request.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<INodeServices>();
    var hostEnv = Request.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IHostingEnvironment>();

    var applicationBasePath = hostEnv.ContentRootPath;
    var requestFeature = Request.HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpRequestFeature>();
    var unencodedPathAndQuery = requestFeature.RawTarget;
    var unencodedAbsoluteUrl = $"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host}{unencodedPathAndQuery}";

    TransferData transferData = new TransferData();
    transferData.request = AbstractHttpContextRequestInfo(Request);
    transferData.thisCameFromDotNET = "Hi Angular it's asp.net :)";

    var prerenderResult = await Prerenderer.RenderToString(
        new JavaScriptModuleExport(applicationBasePath + "/Client/dist/main-server"),

    string html = prerenderResult.Html; // our <app> from Angular
    var title = prerenderResult.Globals["title"]; // set our <title> from Angular
    var styles = prerenderResult.Globals["styles"]; // put styles in the correct place
    var meta = prerenderResult.Globals["meta"]; // set our <meta> SEO tags
    var links = prerenderResult.Globals["links"]; // set our <link rel="canonical"> etc SEO tags

    return $@"<!DOCTYPE html>
<base href=""/"" />

<meta charset=""utf-8"" />
<meta name=""viewport"" content=""width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"" />

<link rel=""stylesheet"" href=""https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/flag-icon-css/0.8.2/css/flag-icon.min.css"" />



<!-- remove if you're not going to use SignalR -->
<script src=""https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js""

<script src=""http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/signalr/jquery.signalr-2.2.0.min.js""></script>

<script src=""/dist/main-browser.js""></script>

Please note that the fallback URL is used to process all routes in HomeController and render corresponding angular route:

builder.UseMvc(routes =>
      name: "spa-fallback",
      defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });

To make it easier to start consider to take that demo project and modify it to fit with your application.


If you don't need to use anything from ASP.NET MVC like Razor with NodeServices it feels more natural to me to host Universal Angular app with server prerendering on Node.js server. And host ASP.NET Web Api independently so that Angular UI can access API on different server. I think it is quite common approach to host static files (and utilize server prerendering in case) independently fro API.

Here is a starter repo of Universal Angular hosted on Node.js: https://github.com/angular/universal-starter.

And here is an example of how UI and web API can be hosted on different servers: https://github.com/thinktecture/nodejs-aspnetcore-webapi. Notice how API URL is configured in urlService.ts.

Also you could consider to hide both UI and API server behind reverse proxy so that both can be accessed through same public domain and host and you don't have to deal with CORS to make it work in a browser.

答案 1 :(得分:2)



public class PrerenderController : Controller
    public async Task<string> Get()
        var requestFeature = Request.HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpRequestFeature>();
        var unencodedPathAndQuery = requestFeature.RawTarget;
        var unencodedAbsoluteUrl = $"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host}{unencodedPathAndQuery}";
        var prerenderResult = await Prerenderer.RenderToString(
            new JavaScriptModuleExport("ClientApp/dist/main-server"),
            /* custom data parameter */ null,
            /* timeout milliseconds */ 15 * 1000,
        return @"<html>..." + prerenderResult.Html + @"</html>";
