
时间:2017-05-30 02:18:38

标签: java string split


让我们说这是第一个字符串: 12345 5 59.28

我想分开12345,5和59.28。 在验证它们是正确的格式(00000-99999,0-5,000.00 0 100.00)之后,我会将其分配给变量。



        conm            fyear    dvpayout   industry    firmycount  ipodate  dv   age
46078   CAESARS ...     2003    0.226813    Services    22  19891213.0   Q2  27
46079   CAESARS ...     2004    0.226813    Services    22  19891213.0   Q2  27
46080   CAESARS ...     2005    0.226813    Services    22  19891213.0   Q2  27
46091   CAESARS ...     2016    0.226813    Services    22  19891213.0   Q2  27
114620  CAESARSTONE LTD 2010    0.487543    Manufacturing   10  20120322.0  Q3  4
114621  CAESARSTONE LTD 2011    0.487543    Manufacturing   10  20120322.0  Q3  4
114622  CAESARSTONE LTD 2012    0.487543    Manufacturing   10  20120322.0  Q3  4
114623  CAESARSTONE LTD 2013    0.487543    Manufacturing   10  20120322.0  Q3  4
114624  CAESARSTONE LTD 2014    0.487543    Manufacturing   10  20120322.0  Q3  4
114625  CAESARSTONE LTD 2015    0.487543    Manufacturing   10  20120322.0  Q3  4
114626  CAESARSTONE LTD 2016    0.487543    Manufacturing   10  20120322.0  Q3  4
132524  CAFEPRESS INC   2010    0.000000    Retail Trade    7   20120329.0  Q1  4
132525  CAFEPRESS INC   2011    0.000000    Retail Trade    7   20120329.0  Q1  4
132526  CAFEPRESS INC   2012    -0.000000   Retail Trade    7   20120329.0  Q1  4
132527  CAFEPRESS INC   2013    -0.000000   Retail Trade    7   20120329.0  Q1  4
132528  CAFEPRESS INC   2014    -0.000000   Retail Trade    7   20120329.0  Q1  4
132529  CAFEPRESS INC   2015    -0.000000   Retail Trade    7   20120329.0  Q1  4
132530  CAFEPRESS INC   2016    -0.000000   Retail Trade    7   20120329.0  Q1  4
120049  CAI INTERNATIONAL INC   2006    0.000000    Services    12  20070516.0 Q1  0
120050  CAI INTERNATIONAL INC   2007    0.000000    Services    12  20070516.0 Q1  0
3896    CALAMP CORP 1999    -0.000000   Manufacturing   23  NaN   Q1  Nan  
3897    CALAMP CORP 2000    0.000000    Manufacturing   23  NaN   Q1  Nan
3898    CALAMP CORP 2001    0.000000    Manufacturing   23  NaN   Q1  Nan
3899    CALAMP CORP 2002    0.000000    Manufacturing   23  NaN   Q1  Nan
21120   CALATLANTIC GROUP INC   1995    -0.133648   Construction    22  NaN   Q1  Nan
21121   CALATLANTIC GROUP INC   1996    -0.133648   Construction    22  NaN   Q1  Nan
21122   CALATLANTIC GROUP INC   1997    -0.133648   Construction    22  NaN   Q1  Nan
21123   CALATLANTIC GROUP INC   1998    -0.133648   Construction    22  NaN   Q1  Nan
21124   CALATLANTIC GROUP INC   1999    -0.133648   Construction    22  NaN   Q1  Nan
21125   CALATLANTIC GROUP INC   2000    -0.133648   Construction    22  NaN   Q1  Nan
21126   CALATLANTIC GROUP INC   2001    -0.133648   Construction    22  NaN   Q1  Nan
21127   CALATLANTIC GROUP INC   2002    -0.133648   Construction    22  NaN  Q1  Nan
21128   CALATLANTIC GROUP INC   2003    -0.133648   Construction    22  NaN  Q1  Nan


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


import java.util.Scanner;

class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner in = new Scanner("12345 5 59.28");
    in.useDelimiter(" "); // reads per space

    String next = in.next("\\d{5}");  // reads next 5 digits
    int numbers = Integer.valueOf(next);

    next = in.next("\\d{1}"); // reads next 1 digit
    int studentId = Integer.valueOf(next);

    next = in.next("\\d{2}\\.\\d{2}"); // reads next a decimal with two digits before and after point
    float floatingNumbers = Float.valueOf(next);

<script src="//repl.it/embed/IWzC/0.js"></script>

答案 1 :(得分:0)


int int double



    num1 = scanner.nextInt();
    num2 = scanner.nextInt();
    num3 = scanner.nextDouble();
} while (scanner.hasNextInt());



    if (scanner.hasNextInt())
        num1 = scanner.nextInt();
        scanner.next() // move past whatever bad data there was
        num1 = scanner.nextInt();

    if (scanner.hasNextInt())
        num2 = scanner.nextInt();
        scanner.next() // move past whatever bad data there was
        num2 = scanner.nextInt();

    if (scanner.hasNextDouble())
        num3 = scanner.nextDouble();
        scanner.next() // move past whatever bad data there was
        num3 = scanner.nextDouble();
} while (scanner.hasNext());

答案 2 :(得分:0)




public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner fileInput = new Scanner(System.in);
    //Declare variables
    String numbers = "";

    String firstNum = "";
    String secondNum = "";
    String thirdNum = "";

    int studentID = 0;
    int secondDigit = 0;
    double thirdDigit = 0;

    System.out.print("Input: ");
    numbers = fileInput.nextLine(); 

    int firstIndex = 0;
    int secondIndex = 0;
    int thirdIndex = 0;

    firstIndex = numbers.indexOf(" ");
    if(firstIndex <= 4){
        System.out.println("Number should be 5");

        firstNum = numbers.substring(0, firstIndex);
        numbers = numbers.substring(firstIndex+1);

        studentID = Integer.parseInt(firstNum);

        if(studentID > 0 && studentID < 99999){
            System.out.println("First num: " +firstNum);
            System.out.println("first digits not in a range ");

    secondIndex = numbers.indexOf(" ");
    if(secondIndex == 0){
        System.out.println("no number");
        secondNum = numbers.substring(0, secondIndex);

        numbers = numbers.substring(secondIndex+1);

        secondDigit = Integer.parseInt(secondNum);

        if(secondDigit >= 0 && secondDigit <= 5){
            System.out.println("Second num: " +secondNum);
            System.out.println("second digit not in a range ");

    thirdIndex = numbers.length();
    if(thirdIndex < 3){
        System.out.println("3 numbers should be there");
        thirdNum = numbers.substring(0, thirdIndex);
        thirdDigit = Double.parseDouble(thirdNum);

        if(thirdDigit >= 0 && thirdDigit <= 100){
            System.out.println("third num: " +thirdNum);
            System.out.println("third digit not in a range ");

