
时间:2017-05-28 20:37:29

标签: r string count


df <- structure(list(V1 = structure(c(7L, 4L, 8L, 8L, 5L, 3L, 1L, 1L, 
2L, 1L, 6L), .Label = c("", "cell and biogenesis;transport", 
"differentiation;metabolic process;regulation;stimulus", "MAPK cascade;cell and biogenesis", 
"MAPK cascade;cell and biogenesis;transport", "metabolic process;regulation;stimulus;transport", 
"mRNA;stimulus;transport", "targeting"), class = "factor")), .Names = "V1", class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 



String                           Count        position 
mRNA                                 1        1
stimulus                             3        1,6,11
transport                            4        1,5,9,11
MAPK cascade                         2        2,5
cell and biogenesis                  3        2,5,9
targeting                            2        3,4
regulation of mRNA stability         1        1
regulation                           2        6,11
differentiation                      1        6,11
metabolic process                    2        6,11

计数显示每个字符串(字符串由分号分隔)在整个数据中重复多少次。 第二列显示它们的位置,例如mRNA仅在第一行中,因此它是1.刺激是在第3行,第6行和第11行


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


  1. 将行号添加为列。
  2. 使用strplit将每个字符串拆分为其组件,并将结果存储在名为string的列中。
  3. strsplit返回一个列表。我们使用unnest来堆叠列表组件以创建一个&#34; long&#34;数据框,给我们一个整洁的&#34;准备汇总的数据框。
  4. string分组并返回一个新数据框,该数据框计算每个字符串的频率,并给出原始行号,其中每个字符串实例最初出现。
  5. library(tidyverse)
    df$V1 = as.character(df$V1)
    df %>% 
      rownames_to_column() %>% 
      mutate(string = strsplit(V1, ";")) %>% 
      unnest %>%
      group_by(string) %>%
      summarise(count = n(),
                rows = paste(rowname, collapse=","))
                   string count     rows
    1 cell and biogenesis     3    2,5,9
    2     differentiation     1        6
    3        MAPK cascade     2      2,5
    4   metabolic process     2     6,11
    5                mRNA     1        1
    6          regulation     2     6,11
    7            stimulus     3   1,6,11
    8           targeting     2      3,4
    9           transport     4 1,5,9,11


    df.new = df %>% 
      rownames_to_column("rows") %>% 
      mutate(string = strsplit(V1, ";")) %>% 
      select(-V1) %>%


答案 1 :(得分:3)


# convert 'V1' to a character vector (only necessary of it isn't already)
df$V1 <- as.character(df$V1)

# get the unique strings
strng <- unique(unlist(strsplit(df$V1,';')))

# create a list with the rows for each unique string
lst <- lapply(strng, function(x) grep(x, df$V1, fixed = TRUE))

# get the counts for each string
count <- lengths(lst)

# collpase the list string positions into a string with the rownumbers for each string
pos <- sapply(lst, toString)

# put everything together in one dataframe
d <- data.frame(strng, count, pos)


d <- data.frame(strng = unique(unlist(strsplit(df$V1,';'))))
lst <- lapply(d$strng, function(x) grep(x, df$V1, fixed = TRUE))
transform(d, count = lengths(lst), pos = sapply(lst, toString))


> d
                strng count         pos
1                mRNA     1           1
2            stimulus     3    1, 6, 11
3           transport     4 1, 5, 9, 11
4        MAPK cascade     2        2, 5
5 cell and biogenesis     3     2, 5, 9
6           targeting     2        3, 4
7     differentiation     1           6
8   metabolic process     2       6, 11
9          regulation     2       6, 11

答案 2 :(得分:1)


setDT(df)[, .(.I, unlist(tstrsplit(V1, ";", fixed = TRUE)))
          ][!is.na(V2), .(count = .N, pos = toString(sort(I))), 
            by = .(String = V2)]
#                 String count         pos
# 1:                mRNA     1           1
# 2:        MAPK cascade     2        2, 5
# 3:           targeting     2        3, 4
# 4:     differentiation     1           6
# 5: cell and biogenesis     3     2, 5, 9
# 6:   metabolic process     2       6, 11
# 7:            stimulus     3    1, 6, 11
# 8:           transport     4 1, 5, 9, 11
# 9:          regulation     2       6, 11
