
时间:2017-05-23 17:08:44

标签: assembly x86 dos tic-tac-toe




Stosb                   ;Else no put the byte in the buffer
cmp bl,32h
Je pl1
Jne wla
    mov ah,09
    lea dx,p1
Stosb                   ;Else no put the byte in the buffer
cmp bl,32h
Je pl1
Jne wla ;this is line 140
    mov ah,09
    lea dx,p1


.model small
org 100h


start: jmp main
lin db "|===|===|===|$"
r1 db "| 1 | 2 | 3 |$"
r2 db "| 4 | 5 | 6 |$"
r3 db"| 7 | 8 | 9 |$"
spa db 0ah,0dh,24h

p1 db"Player 1's Turn (X) : $"
p2 db"Player 2's Turn (O) : $"


;start of the crap
mov ah, 02
mov ch, 5
mov dh, 5
mov cl, 28
mov dl, 28
int 10h

call line
call down
call row1

mov ah,09
lea dx,r1
int 21h

call down
;le end

;start of the crap
mov ah, 02
mov ch, 7
mov dh, 7
mov cl, 28
mov dl, 28
int 10h

call line
call down
call row2

mov ah,09
lea dx,r2
int 21h

call down
;le end

;start of the crap
mov ah, 02
mov ch, 9
mov dh, 9
mov cl, 28
mov dl, 28
int 10h

call line
call down
call row3

mov ah,09
lea dx,r3
int 21h

call down
;le end

mov ah, 02
mov ch, 11
mov dh, 11
mov cl, 28
mov dl, 28
int 10h

call line
call down

;input goes here
mov ah, 02
mov ch, 20
mov dh, 20
mov cl, 10
mov dl, 10
int 10h

mov ah,09
lea dx,p1
int 21h

mov ah,02
mov dl,al
int 21h

call down

;mov cx,2 
          CLD                     ;Incrementing direction
  mov bl,30h

    add bl,1h
    call down
    mov ah,02
    mov dl,bl
    int 21h                ;show the bl

    Mov AH, 7               ;Ms.Dos code to get one char
    Int 21h                 ;Ms.Dos does that for us and puts it in AL

    Cmp AL, 20h             ;Did he hit the return key ?
    Je  exi          ;Yes, now we can go on

    Stosb                   ;Else no put the byte in the buffer
    cmp bl,32h
    Je pl1
    Jne wla
        mov ah,09
        lea dx,p1
        int 21h

        mov ah,02
        mov dl,al
        int 21h

          ;code ni player 1

cmp al,'1'
jE  one
jNE two


mov ah, 02
mov ch, 6
mov dh, 6
mov cl, 30
mov dl, 30
int 10h

call putx


  cmp al,'2'
  jE  two1
  jNE thr


  mov ah, 02
  mov ch, 6
  mov dh, 6
  mov cl, 34
  mov dl, 34
  int 10h

  call putx


    cmp al,'3'
    jE  thr1
    jNE fou


    mov ah, 02
    mov ch, 6
    mov dh, 6
    mov cl, 38
    mov dl, 38
    int 10h

    call putx

      cmp al,'4'
      jE  fou1
      jNE fiv


        mov ah, 02
        ;mov ch, 8
        mov dh, 8
        ;mov cl, 30
        mov dl, 30
        int 10h

        call putx

          cmp al,'5'
          jE  fiv1
          jNE six

             mov ah, 02
             mov dh, 8
             mov dl, 34
             int 10h

             call putx

               mov ah,'3'

    mov bl,30h
    jmp Get_another_byte

    jmp exit
          ;end of code player1

        ;mov bl,30h
        sub bl, 2h   ;babalik niya yung 32 sa 1 (32-2 = 31)
        call down
        Jmp Get_another_byte
        mov ah,09
        lea dx,p2
        int 21h

        mov ah,02
        mov dl,al
        int 21h

        ;mov bl,30h
        call down
        Jmp Get_another_byte    ;He's not done, so keep on

;loop again

row1 proc
  mov ah, 02
  mov ch, 6
  mov dh, 6
  mov cl, 28
  mov dl, 28
  int 10h
row1 endp

row2 proc
  mov ah, 02
  mov ch, 8
  mov dh, 8
  mov cl, 28
  mov dl, 28
  int 10h
row2 endp

row3 proc
  mov ah, 02
  mov ch, 10
  mov dh, 10
  mov cl, 28
  mov dl, 28
  int 10h
row3 endp

line proc
  mov ah, 09
  lea dx, lin
  int 21h
line endp

down proc
  mov ah, 09
  lea dx, spa
  int 21h
down endp

putx proc
  mov ah,02
  mov dl,"X"
  int 21h
putx endp


int 20h
end start

这是什么意思? 0002字节是什么意思?我不知道为什么会出现这个错误。我早点解决了,但我不知道怎么做。


$host = "localhost";
$user = "user";
$password = "pass";
$database = "test4";
$cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$database) or die ("Connection Error");

$query = "SELECT * FROM sample";
$result = mysqli_query($cxn, $query);
$field_row = mysqli_num_rows($result);
$fields_num = mysqli_num_fields($result);

echo "<h1>Table: $database </h1>";
echo " <table border='1' width='50%'><tr> ";
// printing table headers
for ($i=0; $i<$fields_num; $i++){
$field = mysqli_fetch_field($result);
echo "<td><b>{$field->name}</b></td> ";
echo "</tr>\n";
// printing table rows
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)){
echo "<tr>";
// $row is array... foreach(..)put every element
// of $row to $cell variable
 foreach ($row as $cell){
 echo " <td>$cell</td> ";
echo "</tr>\n";

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

相对跳转使用一个字节作为偏移量,因此它只能向前跳转127个字节,向后跳转128个字节 如果要向前或向后跳转更多字节,则需要指定支持该字节的CPU,而原始8086则不需要。


如果你正在使用另一个汇编程序google:assembler directives [assembler name] cpu 这应该可以解决您的问题。