问:如何使用多线程/多处理在.CSV文件中编写函数输出? (使用String数组作为输入)

时间:2017-05-23 02:17:26

标签: python multithreading multiprocessing threadpool python-multiprocessing

我正在编写一个小型的Web scraper,我希望实现多处理/多线程。


包含所有URL的输入数据保存在String数组中,如下所示: urls = ["google.com", "yahoo.com", "bing.com"]。 (我考虑从CSV文件更改为URL导入。)



我正在处理的代码(Thanks to hbar for the nice code!

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# multiproc_sums.py
"""A program that reads integer values from a CSV file and writes out their
sums to another CSV file, using multiple processes if desired.

import csv
import multiprocessing
import optparse
import sys

NUM_PROCS = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

def make_cli_parser():
    """Make the command line interface parser."""
    usage = "\n\n".join(["python %prog INPUT_CSV OUTPUT_CSV",
    INPUT_CSV: an input CSV file with rows of numbers
    OUTPUT_CSV: an output file that will contain the sums\
    cli_parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
    cli_parser.add_option('-n', '--numprocs', type='int',
            help="Number of processes to launch [DEFAULT: %default]")
    return cli_parser

class CSVWorker(object):
    def __init__(self, numprocs, infile, outfile):
        self.numprocs = numprocs
        self.infile = open(infile)
        self.outfile = outfile
        self.in_csvfile = csv.reader(self.infile)
        self.inq = multiprocessing.Queue()
        self.outq = multiprocessing.Queue()

        self.pin = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.parse_input_csv, args=())
        self.pout = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.write_output_csv, args=())
        self.ps = [ multiprocessing.Process(target=self.sum_row, args=())
                        for i in range(self.numprocs)]

        for p in self.ps:

        i = 0
        for p in self.ps:
            print "Done", i
            i += 1


    def parse_input_csv(self):
            """Parses the input CSV and yields tuples with the index of the row
            as the first element, and the integers of the row as the second

            The index is zero-index based.

            The data is then sent over inqueue for the workers to do their
            thing.  At the end the input process sends a 'STOP' message for each
            for i, row in enumerate(self.in_csvfile):
                row = [ int(entry) for entry in row ]
                self.inq.put( (i, row) )

            for i in range(self.numprocs):

    def sum_row(self):
        Workers. Consume inq and produce answers on outq
        tot = 0
        for i, row in iter(self.inq.get, "STOP"):
                self.outq.put( (i, sum(row)) )

    def write_output_csv(self):
        Open outgoing csv file then start reading outq for answers
        Since I chose to make sure output was synchronized to the input there
        is some extra goodies to do that.

        Obviously your input has the original row number so this is not
        cur = 0
        stop = 0
        buffer = {}
        # For some reason csv.writer works badly across processes so open/close
        # and use it all in the same process or else you'll have the last
        # several rows missing
        outfile = open(self.outfile, "w")
        self.out_csvfile = csv.writer(outfile)

        #Keep running until we see numprocs STOP messages
        for works in range(self.numprocs):
            for i, val in iter(self.outq.get, "STOP"):
                # verify rows are in order, if not save in buffer
                if i != cur:
                    buffer[i] = val
                    #if yes are write it out and make sure no waiting rows exist
                    self.out_csvfile.writerow( [i, val] )
                    cur += 1
                    while cur in buffer:
                        self.out_csvfile.writerow([ cur, buffer[cur] ])
                        del buffer[cur]
                        cur += 1


def main(argv):
    cli_parser = make_cli_parser()
    opts, args = cli_parser.parse_args(argv)
    if len(args) != 2:
        cli_parser.error("Please provide an input file and output file.")

    c = CSVWorker(opts.numprocs, args[0], args[1])

if __name__ == '__main__':

如果没有写入多处理中涉及的CSV文件的写入,整个事情对我来说确实不是问题。我已经尝试了不同的解决方案Python Map Pool(link),但没有成功。我认为游泳池之间存在不一致导致错误。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我处理这个问题的方法是使用多处理来进行网络抓取,然后使用单个进程写出csv。我愿意打赌刮刮是耗时的部分,I / O很快。下面是一段代码,它使用Pool.map对您的函数进行多处理。

import multiprocessing as mp
import csv

pool = mp.Pool( processes=mp.cpu_count() ) 
# or however many processors you can support

scraped_data = pool.map( webScraper, urls )

with open('out.csv') as outfile:
    wr = csv.writer(outfile)