应该有三轮。一旦学生成功地将一组卡(const =数字)与正确的插槽(const =插槽)匹配,就会显示下一组卡片。
但是我很难在一次只显示一对阵列 目前所有三个数组都会出现,我相信问题出现在下面代码顶部的init函数中。
let correctCards = 0;
const numbers2 = ['Proton', 'Neutron', 'Positron', '\u03C0+','\u03C0-', 'K+','K-','\u03C0\u2070'];
const numbers3 =['Gravitational', 'Gravitational1', 'weak', 'weak1', 'EM', 'EM1', 'Strong', 'Strong1'];
const numbers1 = ['Proton', 'Neutron', 'Electron', 'Positron', 'Pion+', 'Kaon+', 'kaon-', 'Pion'];
const slots2= ['uud', 'udd','\u203Eu','u-d', '-ud','-ud', '-du', 'u-u'];
const slots3 = ['affects all particles with mass', 'infinite range', 'affects all particles', 'responsable for beta decay', 'affects all particles with charge', 'infinite range', 'affects hadrons', 'very short range'];
const slots1 = ['p', 'n','e', 'p-','\u03C0+', 'K+','K-','\u03C0\u2070'];
let shuffledNumbers= [];
const numbersDeck = [numbers1, numbers2, numbers3];
const slotDeck = [slots1, slots2, slots3];
let slots =[];
let numbers = [];
$( init );
function init() {
// Hide the success message
$('#successMessage').css( {
left: '580px',
top: '250px',
width: 0,
height: 0
} );
//show only one pair of arrays at a time
for (let j=0; j<numbersDeck.length; j++){
slots = slotDeck[j];
numbers = numbersDeck[j];
shuffledNumbers = shuffleArray(numbers);
// Reset the game
correctCards = 0;
$('#cardPile').html( '' );
//shuffle the cards so they move for each attempt.
function shuffleArray(array) {
const newArray = array.slice(0);
newArray.sort( function() {
return Math.random() - 0.5;
return newArray;
// Create the card slots
function cardSlotAssign() {
for ( let i=0; i<slots.length; i++ ) {
$('<div />', { text: slots[i], 'data-position': i + 1 }).appendTo('#cardSlots')
.droppable( {
accept: '#cardPile div',
hoverClass: 'hovered',
drop: handleCardDrop
} );
// Create the pile of shuffled cards
function cardAssign(){
for ( let i=0; i<shuffledNumbers.length; i++ ) {
$('<div />', { text: shuffledNumbers[i], 'data-position': numbers.indexOf(shuffledNumbers[i]) + 1 }).attr( 'id', 'card'+i ).appendTo( '#cardPile' ).draggable( {
containment: '#content',
stack: '#cardPile div',
cursor: 'move',
revert: true
} );
//dragging the cards to the right slot.
function handleCardDrop( event, ui ) {
var slotNumber = $(this).data('position');
var cardNumber = ui.draggable.data('position');
console.log(slotNumber, cardNumber);
// If the card was dropped to the correct slot,
// change the card colour, position it directly
// on top of the slot, and prevent it being dragged
// again
if ( slotNumber === cardNumber ) {
ui.draggable.addClass( 'correct' );
ui.draggable.draggable( 'disable' );
$(this).droppable( 'disable' );
ui.draggable.position( { of: $(this), my: 'left top', at: 'left top' } );
ui.draggable.draggable( 'option', 'revert', false );
// If all the cards have been placed correctly then display a message
// and reset the cards for another go
if ( correctCards === 8 ) {
$('#successMessage').animate( {
left: '380px',
top: '200px',
width: '400px',
height: '100px',
opacity: 1
} );