
时间:2017-05-19 13:04:21

标签: python-3.x numpy multidimensional-array vectorization numpy-broadcasting




# imports: import numpy as np, import random, from math import pi, from scipy.integrate import quad, from scipy.stats import chisquare, from scipy.optimize import minimize

dataset_gauss = [random.gauss(48, 7) for index in range(1000)]


def equation_gauss(x, a, b):
    This function returns the equation for the Gaussian distribution.
    cnorm = 1 / (b* (2*pi)**(1/2))
    return cnorm * np.exp((-1) * (x - a)**2 / (2* b**2))

使用最大对数似然,我的脚本(与问题无关,因此代码未显示)返回params_gauss = [47.972906400237889, 7.0241339595841286]


def get_bins(distribution, num_bins=50):
    This function returns a specified number of equally sized bins over
    the domain of the distribution.
    if distribution == 'gauss':
        dataset = dataset_gauss
    return np.linspace(min(dataset), max(dataset), num_bins)

def get_binned_expectations(distribution, args):
    This function returns the expectation values per bin for a dataset
    given by the specified distribution.
    if distribution == 'gauss':
        dataset = dataset_gauss
        func = equation_gauss
    num_obs = len(dataset)
    bins = get_bins(distribution)
    res = []
    for idx in range(len(bins)):
        if idx != len(bins)-1:
            res.append(quad(func, bins[idx] , bins[idx+1], args = (args[0] , args[1]))[0] * num_obs)
    return res

def get_binned_observations(distribution):
    This function returns the observation values per bin for a dataset
    given by the specified distribution.
    if distribution == 'gauss':
        dataset = dataset_gauss
    bins = get_bins(distribution)
    bin_count = []
    for idx in range(len(bins)):
        if idx != len(bins)-1:
            summ = 0
            for datum in dataset:
                if datum > bins[idx] and datum <= bins[idx+1]:
                    summ += 1
        if idx == len(bins)-1:
    return bin_count

def get_chi_square(distribution, params):
    This function returns the chi square value for a specified

        distribution    :   'gauss', 'lognormal'

        params          :   [a, b] for parameters a and b
                            'opt' (for optimized parameters)
    values_observation = get_binned_observations(distribution)
    if params == 'opt':
        if distribution == 'gauss':
            params = params_gauss
    values_expectation = get_binned_expectations(distribution, params)
    return chisquare(values_observation, values_expectation)


res = get_chi_square('gauss', params='opt')
new_params = [40, 10]
new_res = get_chi_square('gauss', params=new_params)

>> Power_divergenceResult(statistic=55.465132812431413, pvalue=0.21391356257718666)
>> Power_divergenceResult(statistic=14950.604250041084, pvalue=0.0)

第一个值statistic是使用相应参数获得的卡方值,而第二个值pvalue是参数拟合的概率。出于我的目的,最好只将第一个元素称为print(new_res[0])。 (概率不是很准确,因为没有规定自由度。)

为了制作轮廓图,我的理解是我需要通过dim-2数组生成网格空间。首先,我编写一个函数来返回每个参数的数字列表。这是返回x, y的函数,X, Ymeshgrid

def get_axis_data(param, frac, size):
    This function returns a specified number of elements in a range
    centered around the value of the inputted parameter. The extrema
    of this range are specified as:
                    param ± param * frac
    update = frac * param
    return np.linspace(param - update, param + update, size)


我知道我可以使用plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, cmap)。但是,我不知道如何格式化get_chi_square以接收meshgrid - ed参数作为输入,因为它调用scipy模块(有效地)通过列表计算卡方可优化的参数。我已经评论过我尝试过的失败的事情。

def get_grid_data(distribution, frac=1/4, size=9, func=get_chi_square, cmap='plasma'):
    This function returns the grid values for a contour plot of the
    error metric as a function of the parameters of a specified

        func:   'chi square', 'maximum log-likelihood' (error metric)
    if distribution == 'gauss':
        opt_params = params_gauss
    a_vals = get_axis_data(opt_params[0], frac, size)
    b_vals = get_axis_data(opt_params[1], frac, size)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(a_vals, b_vals)
    # func = np.vectorize(func)
    # Z = func(distribution, [X, Y])[0]
    return X, Y#, Z

X, Y = get_grid_data('gauss')


[[ 35.9796798   38.97798645  41.9762931   44.97459975  47.9729064
   50.97121305  53.9695197   56.96782635  59.966133  ]
 [ 35.9796798   38.97798645  41.9762931   44.97459975  47.9729064
   50.97121305  53.9695197   56.96782635  59.966133  ]
 [ 35.9796798   38.97798645  41.9762931   44.97459975  47.9729064
   50.97121305  53.9695197   56.96782635  59.966133  ]
 [ 35.9796798   38.97798645  41.9762931   44.97459975  47.9729064
   50.97121305  53.9695197   56.96782635  59.966133  ]
 [ 35.9796798   38.97798645  41.9762931   44.97459975  47.9729064
   50.97121305  53.9695197   56.96782635  59.966133  ]
 [ 35.9796798   38.97798645  41.9762931   44.97459975  47.9729064
   50.97121305  53.9695197   56.96782635  59.966133  ]
 [ 35.9796798   38.97798645  41.9762931   44.97459975  47.9729064
   50.97121305  53.9695197   56.96782635  59.966133  ]
 [ 35.9796798   38.97798645  41.9762931   44.97459975  47.9729064
   50.97121305  53.9695197   56.96782635  59.966133  ]
 [ 35.9796798   38.97798645  41.9762931   44.97459975  47.9729064
   50.97121305  53.9695197   56.96782635  59.966133  ]]

[[ 5.26810047  5.26810047  5.26810047  5.26810047  5.26810047  5.26810047
   5.26810047  5.26810047  5.26810047]
 [ 5.70710884  5.70710884  5.70710884  5.70710884  5.70710884  5.70710884
   5.70710884  5.70710884  5.70710884]
 [ 6.14611721  6.14611721  6.14611721  6.14611721  6.14611721  6.14611721
   6.14611721  6.14611721  6.14611721]
 [ 6.58512559  6.58512559  6.58512559  6.58512559  6.58512559  6.58512559
   6.58512559  6.58512559  6.58512559]
 [ 7.02413396  7.02413396  7.02413396  7.02413396  7.02413396  7.02413396
   7.02413396  7.02413396  7.02413396]
 [ 7.46314233  7.46314233  7.46314233  7.46314233  7.46314233  7.46314233
   7.46314233  7.46314233  7.46314233]
 [ 7.9021507   7.9021507   7.9021507   7.9021507   7.9021507   7.9021507
   7.9021507   7.9021507   7.9021507 ]
 [ 8.34115908  8.34115908  8.34115908  8.34115908  8.34115908  8.34115908
   8.34115908  8.34115908  8.34115908]
 [ 8.78016745  8.78016745  8.78016745  8.78016745  8.78016745  8.78016745
   8.78016745  8.78016745  8.78016745]]




def get_grid_params(distribution, frac, size):
    This function returns the grid values for a contour plot of the
    error metric as a function of the parameters of a specified

        func:   'chi square', 'maximum log-likelihood' (error metric)
    if distribution == 'gauss':
        opt_params = params_gauss
    a_vals = get_axis_data(opt_params[0], frac, size)
    b_vals = get_axis_data(opt_params[1], frac, size)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(a_vals, b_vals)
    # func = np.vectorize(func)
    # Z = func(distribution, [X, Y])
    return X, Y

def get_grid_data(distribution, frac=1/4, size=9, func=get_chi_square):

    X, Y = get_grid_params(distribution, frac, size)
    res = []
    for idx in range(len(X)):
        for jdx in range(len(Y)):
            res.append(func(distribution, [X[idx][jdx], Y[idx][jdx]])[0])


# 81 elements ==> 9x9 grid
[4208765217.1232886, 79756867.433148235, 2102012.2187297232, 77845.812346977109, 4299.2223157168837, 2529.7286507333743, 20486.858965000847, 257923.37090704756, 4854102.2912357552, 93281349.868633255, 3214630.1060019895, 149308.23999474355, 9526.0996064385563, 892.28204593366377, 1078.7222202890009, 6755.3095776326609, 53291.09528539874, 588864.18413363863, 4691132.998034155, 266721.46912966535, 20459.717521392733, 2093.3255539124393, 279.78284725132187, 577.3737260040574, 3111.9705345888774, 17462.38755758019, 125880.4188491786, 450519.22715869371, 40667.241172187212, 5020.7992346344054, 744.8798302729781, 116.9962855442742, 364.63898596547921, 1791.3456214870084, 7916.7426067634342, 40972.313769493878, 76104.092836489493, 10798.249475713539, 2013.1185415524558, 381.52353083113587, 66.126519584745949, 264.93942984225561, 1200.5798834763946, 4482.867919608283, 18107.837200860213, 21572.225934943446, 4551.094178016996, 1136.7099239043926, 253.51850353558262, 54.455759914884304, 218.13425049819415, 897.03841272531849, 2952.9334085022683, 9936.4277408736034, 9337.1516297669732, 2622.2698023608255, 789.26686546629082, 202.78664001629076, 60.365012999827258, 199.40257099587109, 726.84333101567586, 2159.6632005396755, 6339.5377293121628, 5372.7483380962221, 1815.8139713332946, 620.16531689499118, 184.61780691354744, 75.563465535153725, 196.96163816097214, 626.64757117448494, 1701.8233311097256, 4494.3117008380068, 3664.4699687203392, 1400.0096023072927, 527.65588603959168, 182.94718825996048, 96.20249715692033, 204.59025315045054, 566.75361531867895, 1416.8609878368447, 3434.8994517014899]
# reshape as 9x9 shows the order of params is wrong.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

将上面的代码组合到(但包括)get_chi_square定义的部分与this answer中的代码一起生成the desired output