/TIMER1 1 1 /query #mircroom THIS IS WHAT I WANT IT TO SAY
/TIMER2 1 4 /query #mircroom2 THIS IS WHAT I WANT IT TO SAY
我把它放入别名中所以理论上我应该只需键入/ SCRIPT它会运行正确吗?我还把它扔进了它自己的.txt文件中,它无法识别启动脚本。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public class Graph {
private final int MAX_NODES = 20; //maximum number of nodes
private Node[] listOfNodes; // list of nodes
private int neighbourMatrix[][]; // every node with its children
private int noOfNodes; // current number of nodes
private Stack stack;
private int depth = 0;
public Graph() {
listOfNodes = new Node[MAX_NODES];
neighbourMatrix = new int[MAX_NODES][MAX_NODES];
stack = new Stack();
public void addNode(char name) {
listOfNodes[noOfNodes++] = new Node(name); //create a new node and add it to the array of nodes
public void addEdge(int start, int end) { //creates a bidirectional relation between
neighbourMatrix[start][end] = 1; //the two nodes (start and end)
neighbourMatrix[end][start] = 1; // 1 is used to indicate the existence of a relation between
} //two node because by default neighbourMatrix contains only 0s.
public void display(int node) {
System.out.print(listOfNodes[node].name); //prints the name of a node
public void dls(int limit) { // begin at node 0 which is the root of the tree
listOfNodes[0].checked = true; // mark it
display(0); // display it
stack.push(0); // push it to the stack
while (!stack.isEmpty()) // until stack empty,
int node = getUnvisitedChild(stack.peek());
if (depth <= limit) {
// get an unvisited child of the node that is at the top of the stack
if (node == -1) // if the node had no unvisited child, then pop the node from the stack
} else // if the node has unvisited child
listOfNodes[node].checked = true; // mark it
display(node); // display it
stack.push(node); // push it to the stack
} else {
public int getUnvisitedChild(int v) // returns an unvisited child of the node v
for (int j = 0; j < noOfNodes; j++) {
if (neighbourMatrix[v][j] == 1 && listOfNodes[j].checked == false) {
return j; //returns the index of the child
return -1; //otherwise it returns -1
是built-in identifier
$ script可用于返回第N个加载的脚本文件的文件名。如果指定文件名,则在未加载文件时返回$ null;否则它返回文件的名称。