我正在尝试更新Java FXML程序中的TextArea并遇到一个奇怪的问题。我能够更新指令2次,但在同一更新调用的第三个实例上,文本字段将不会更新。我使用相同的方法调用所有更新,并获得了应该显示在控制台中打印的内容,所以我知道问题是TextArea更新。以下是导致问题的代码:
private void freedomCheck(){ // method for starting out a composition, choosing "mode"
decisionIndex = 0;
this.addChord("I"); //initialize first chord to "I"
prompt[0] = "Please enter your degree of freedom: 1, 2, 3, or 4."; //display prompt
prompt[1] = "1: Composes and plays for you";
prompt[2] = "2: Fill in just notes with chords given to you";
prompt[3] = "3: Fill in chords and notes, with software giving you options for both";
prompt[4] = "4: Fill in chords and notes with full independence";
prompt(); // get user input (can be changed to button press, etc.
private void prompt(){
String displayString = "";
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
displayString += prompt[i] + "\n";
public void setInstructions(String newString){
prompt []数组用于快速分隔文本行。代码的这一部分在显示器上正常工作和打印,但稍后当我尝试使用相同的prompt()调用更新它时:
public void promptNotes(){
decisionIndex = 4;
int index;
if (composition.noteLength() == 0)
index = composition.getSize() - 1;
else index = composition.noteLength();
prompt[0] = "The current chord is " + composition.getChord(index).getName() + "; please pick a note:";//prompt
Chord temp = composition.getChord(composition.getSize()-1);
ArrayList<Note> candidates = temp.getOfferedNotes();
int notesLen = candidates.size(); //length of notes list for current chord
for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++){
tempNotes[i] = candidates.get(notesLen - i);
prompt[i] = (i+1) + ": " + tempNotes[i].getName();