我目前正在为我的编程课程介绍完成一个项目,并且我遇到了这个菜单驱动游戏的问题。它给了我一个无效的语法错误。我已经包含了代码,非常感谢任何帮助!非常感谢。 道格
import random
p1 = 0
p2 = 0
cpu = 0
tie = 0
def main():
menuSelect = ""
print("Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors!\n")
# main menu
print("Main Menu")
print("1. See the rules")
print("2. Play against the computer")
print("3. Play a two player game")
print("4. Quit\n")
menuSelect = int(input("Please make choice 1-4:\t"))
while menuSelect < 1 or menuSelect > 4:
print("The selection provided is invalid.\n")
menuSelect = int(input("Please select one of the four options:\t"))
if menuSelect == 1:
elif menuSelect == 2:
elif menuSelect == 3:
elif menuSelect == 4:
# display the rules to the user
def rules():
print("Paper Covers Rock")
print("Rock Smashes Scissors")
print("Scissors Cut Paper\n")
# one player mode
def onePlayer():
p1 = 0
p2 = 0
cpu = 0
tie = 0
again = ""
player = False
print("\nPlayer VS Computer")
while player == False:
print("Select a Weapon!")
print("1. Rock")
print("2. Paper")
print("3. Scissors")
print("4. Return to Main Menu")
player = int(input("\nWhat is your weapon of choice(1-4):\t"))
#computer = WEAPON[randint(0,2)]
computer = random.randint(1,3)
if player == computer:
print("It's a tie!\n")
tie = tie + 1
elif player == 1:
if computer == 2:
print("Paper covers rock! You lose!\n")
cpu = cpu + 1
print("Rock smashes scissors. You win!\n")
p1 = p1 + 1
elif player == 2:
if computer == 3:
print("Scissors cut paper! You lose!\n")
cpu = cpu + 1
print("Paper covers rock. You win!\n")
p1 = p1 + 1
elif player == 3:
if computer == 1:
print("Rock smashes scissors! You lose!\n")
cpu = cpu + 1
print("Scissors cut paper. You win!\n")
p1 = p1 + 1
print("invalid input")
print("Scores for this session:\n")
print("Ties:\t", tie)
print("Computer:\t", cpu)
print("Player 1:\t", p1)
again = input("Would you like to play again? Yes or No\n")
again = again.lower()
if again=="yes" or again=="y":
player = False
player = True
def twoPlayer():
p12 = 0
p2 = 0
tie2 = 0
again = ""
player1 = False
player2 = 0
print("\nPlayer VS Computer")
while player1 == False:
print("Select a Weapon!")
print("1. Rock")
print("2. Paper")
print("3. Scissors")
print("4. Return to Main Menu")
player1 = int(input("\nPlayer 1 what is your weapon of choice(1-4):\t"))
player2 = int(input("\n\nPlayer 2 what is your weapon of choice(1-4):\t")
if player1 == player2:
print("It's a tie!\n")
tie2 = tie2 + 1
elif player1 == 1:
if player2 == 2:
print("Paper covers rock! You lose!\n")
p2 = p2 + 1
print("Rock smashes scissors. You win!\n")
p12 = p12 + 1
elif player1 == 2:
if player2 == 3:
print("Scissors cut paper! You lose!\n")
p2 = p2 + 1
print("Paper covers rock. You win!\n")
p12 = p12 + 1
elif player1 == 3:
if player2 == 1:
print("Rock smashes scissors! You lose!\n")
p2 = p2 + 1
print("Scissors cut paper. You win!\n")
p12 = p12 + 1
print("invalid input")
print("Scores for this session:\n")
print("Ties:\t", tie2)
print("Player 1:\t", p12)
print("Player 2:\t", p2)
again = input("Would you like to play again? Yes or No\n")
again = again.lower()
if again=="yes" or again=="y":
player1 = False
player1 = True
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在代码的这一部分,在你的&#34;结束时,播放器1 ==假:&#34;循环:
player2 = int(输入(&#34; \ n \ nPlayer 2你选择的武器是什么(1-4):\ t&#34;)