如何编写AND OR条件codeigniter

时间:2017-04-30 14:33:20

标签: php codeigniter

我已经在一个SQL查询中编写了它并且工作正常。我如何在 codeigniter 中写这个?

$sql = "SELECT * 
         FROM single_message
           ( school_id='$schoolId' AND 
             classId='$classId' AND 
             sectionId='$sectionId' AND 
             sender_id='$senderId' AND 
             receiver_id ='$receiverId'
           ) OR 
           ( chool_id='$schoolId' AND 
             classId='$classId' AND
             sectionId='$sectionId' AND
             sender_id='$receiverId' AND
             receiver_id ='$senderId'
        ORDER BY messageId DESC"`;


$condition = array(
                'school_id' => $schoolId,
                'classId' => $classId,
                'sectionId' => $sectionId,
                'sender_id' => $senderId,
                'receiver_id' => $receiverId

return $this->db->get('single_message')->result_array();

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


$sql = "SELECT * FROM single_message WHERE (school_id='$schoolId' AND classId='$classId' AND sectionId='$sectionId' AND sender_id='$senderId' AND receiver_id ='$receiverId') OR (chool_id='$schoolId' AND classId='$classId' AND sectionId='$sectionId' AND sender_id='$receiverId' AND receiver_id ='$senderId') ORDER BY messageId DESC";


解决方案1: 您可以简单地将条件放在where子句中,如下所述 - >

$condition = "(school_id='$schoolId' AND classId='$classId' AND sectionId='$sectionId' AND sender_id='$senderId' AND receiver_id ='$receiverId') OR (chool_id='$schoolId' AND classId='$classId' AND sectionId='$sectionId' AND sender_id='$receiverId' AND receiver_id ='$senderId')";

        return $this->db->get('single_message')->result_array();


解决方案第二: 查询分组 - >它允许您通过将它们括在括号中来创建WHERE子句组。所以查询就像:

$condition['AND'] = array(
        'school_id' => $schoolId,
        'classId' => $classId,
        'sectionId' => $sectionId,
        'sender_id' => $senderId,
        'receiver_id' => $receiverId
    $condition['OR'] = array(
        'school_id' => $schoolId,
        'classId' => $classId,
        'sectionId' => $sectionId,
        'sender_id' => $receiverId,
        'receiver_id' => $senderId


    // Starts first group

// AND condition placed in below line

// First group ends here

// Another group has been started here for OR clause

// Here we placed our OR codition

// Second group ends here

return $this->db->get('single_message')->result_array();

它将产生您需要的确切结果。如果您有任何疑问,请告诉我。有关更多详细信息,请在此处阅读查询生成器说明:Query Grouping

答案 1 :(得分:0)



$this->db->where("school_id='$schoolId' AND classId='$classId' AND sectionId='$sectionId' AND sender_id='$senderId' AND receiver_id ='$receiverId') OR (chool_id='$schoolId' AND classId='$classId' AND sectionId='$sectionId' AND sender_id='$receiverId' AND receiver_id ='$senderId'", null, false);
$this->db->order_by("messageId", "desc");

以下是codeigniter文档中的Where reference