- 方法下载它们。
function getAllTemplatesUglyAndNotPerformant() {
//this is no longer valid, stays just for reference; look at the bottom for the solution
//easy - preload the template and execute it to the data
url: 'fragments/employee.mustache',
success: function (employeeTpl) {
//uh-oh async process-handling forces me into digging this deeper
url: 'fragments/employee_day.mustache',
success: function (dayTpl) {
//third level - now i am puzzled already
url: 'fragments/employee_day_regular.mustache',
success: function (protodayTplRegular) {
//monologue: am i doing this right?
url: 'fragments/employee_day_deleted.mustache',
success: function (protodayTplDeleted) {
//most probably not
var cachedTemplates = {
employee: employeeTpl,
day: dayTpl,
protoday: {
regular: protodayTplRegular,
deleted: protodayTplDeleted
//shoot, i also cannot return cachedTemplates, better bury my init-method in this!
//initializes downloading and parsing data to what will be seen
function init(cachedTemplates) {
//get the data
url: '_get_data.php',
success: function (data) {
if (data.success) {
$.each(data.employees, function (iEmployee, vEmployee) {
//this goes through a custom rendering for an employee and his sub-nodes stored in arrays (all rendered in Mustache)
var employee = parseEmployee(vEmployee);
var html_employee = employee.render(cachedTemplates);
//ignore what may else happen for now
编辑: 我对getAllTemplates()的重写现在看起来更像是这样,并且最终“更容易理解”并且为下一个触及“Peters Legacy”的人提供了高性能:
function getAllTemplates() {
.done(function (employeeTpl, acquisitionTpl, protodayTplRegular, protodayTplDeleted) {
var cachedTemplates = {
employee: employeeTpl[0],
acquisition: acquisitionTpl[0],
protoday: {
regular: protodayTplRegular[0],
deleted: protodayTplDeleted[0]
答案 0 :(得分:2)
您可以使用jQuery 1.5 +中的$.when()
允许你捆绑(本质上)一堆异步方法(在这种情况下是ajax)并等到所有方法都完成。在你的例子中,你是一个请求,等待响应然后再发射另一个请求。 $.when()
$.ajax( "fragments/employee.mustache" ),
$.ajax( "fragments/employee_day.mustache" ),
$.ajax( "..." )
.done(function( employeeRes, dayRes ) {
// the first item in array should be the data
var employeeTpl = employeeRes[0];
var dayTpl = dayRes [0];
// ...