通过mailchimp api创建一个新列表(将创建一个列表ID)
我对将它们链接在一起的语法有点困惑。 完整代码如下。这是正确的方法吗?
// auto load
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
// opt
$option = array(
'base_uri' => "https://us12.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/",
'auth' => ['apikey', '292bae37c631ac3ba03ed0640b44e6c3'],
// client
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client($option);
// data for a new list
$data_list = array(
"name" => "test_mailchimp",
"contact" => array(
"company" => "MailChimp",
"address1" => "675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE",
"address2" => "Suite 5000",
"city" => "Atlanta",
"state" => "GA",
"zip" => "30308",
"country" => "US",
"phone" => "12345678",
"permission_reminder" => "You're receiving this email because you signed up for updates.",
"use_archive_bar" => true,
"campaign_defaults" => array(
"from_name" => "test",
"from_email" => "test@test.com",
"subject" => "test_subject",
"language" => "en",
"notify_on_subscribe" => "",
"notify_on_unsubscribe" => "",
"email_type_option" => true,
"visibility" => "pub",
// member data
$data_member = array(
'email_address' => 'member@member.com',
"status" => "subscribed"
// common
$headers = array(
'User-Agent' => 'testing/1.0',
'Accept' => 'application/json'
// ------------- create a list -------------------
// $data should match up the field, no json =>
$url_display_list = 'lists';
$req_create_list = new Request('POST', $url_display_list, $headers, json_encode($data_list));
// promise
$promise_create_list = $client
->then(function ($res) use ($headers, $data_member, $client) {
$obj = json_decode($res->getBody());
$list_id = $obj->id;
// --------- add a member to list ---------
$url_create_member = 'lists/'. $list_id. '/members';
$req_create_member = new Request('POST', $url_create_member, $headers, json_encode($data_member));
$promise_create_member = $client
->then(function ($res) use ($list_id) {
$obj = json_decode($res->getBody());
$member_id = $obj->id;
echo "\n--- list id ----\n";
echo "\n". $list_id. "\n";
echo "\n--- member id ----\n";
echo "\n". $member_id. "\n";
// ------------ update a member ---------
答案 0 :(得分:2)
$finalPromise = $client->sendAsync('POST', $url1)->then(function (Response $response1) use ($client) {
// Do something with the first response and prepare the second query.
$secondPromise = $client->sendAsync('POST', $url2)->then(function (Response $response2) {
// Decode JSON and/or do other stuff with the final results.
return json_decode($response2->getBody()->getContents(), true);
return $secondPromise;
// The decoded JSON from the second query here.
$response2 = $finalPromise->wait();
// The decoded JSON from the second query here.
$response2 = coroutine(function () use ($client) {
$response1 = (yield $client->sendAsync('POST', $url1));
// Do something with the first response and prepare the second query.
$response2 = (yield $client->sendAsync('POST', $url2));
// Decode JSON and/or do other stuff with the final results.
// The final return value of the coroutine.
yield json_decode($response2->getBody()->getContents(), true);