var productIds = {}
function product_analysis(address, id, box) {
productIds[id] = true; // store all id's as the totals are calculated
if (box.checked) {
$('#product_' + box.alt).load(address);
else {
$('#product_' + box.alt).load('http://www.divethegap.com/update/blank2.html');
(delete productIds[id]);
document.getElementById('product_quantity_PRI_' + box.alt).value = box.value;
function product_totals(id) {
productIds[id] = true; // store all id's as the totals are calculated
var quantity = $('product_quantity_' + id).value;
var price = $('product_price_' + id).value;
var duration = $('product_duration_' + id).value;
var dives = $('product_dives_' + id).value;
var hire = $('product_hire_' + id).value;
Number($('product_price_total_' + id).value = price * quantity);
Number($('product_duration_total_' + id).value = duration * quantity);
Number($('product_dives_total_' + id).value = dives * quantity);
Number($('product_hire_total_' + id).value = hire * quantity);
function $(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var totalPriceTotal = 0;
var totalDurationTotal = 0;
var totalDivesTotal = 0;
var totalHireTotal = 0;
for (var id in productIds) {
// multiply by 1 to make sure it's a number
totalPriceTotal += $('product_price_total_' + id).value*1;
totalDurationTotal += $('product_duration_total_' + id).value*1;
totalDivesTotal += $('product_dives_total_' + id).value*1;
totalHireTotal += $('product_hire_total_' + id).value*1;
$('GT_total_price').value = totalPriceTotal;
$('GT_total_duration').value = totalDurationTotal;
$('GT_total_dives').value = totalDivesTotal;
$('GT_total_hire').value = totalHireTotal;
function $(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
似乎发生在 .load()
之后的,而不是在回调中。根据您的安排方式,删除可能会在 product_totals(id)
$('#product_' + box.alt)
.load('http://www.divethegap.com/update/blank2.html', function(){
delete productIds[id];
答案 1 :(得分:0)
虽然可能有更好的方法来做你想做的事情 - 你能用英语描述一下这个操作吗?