void List::Add()
cout << "[Add]~\n";
int I = 0;
while (I < maxSize)
Node createdNode = new node;
createdNode->next = NULL;
createdNode->data = initialArray[I];
if(!startList)//no list
createdNode->prev = NULL;
createdNode->next = current;
startList = createdNode;
else //there is a list
current = startList;
while (current->next != NULL)
current = current->next;
} //while not at end of list, current pointer is advanced until last node is reached
current->next = createdNode;
createdNode->prev = current;
cout << "[" << createdNode->data << "]";
cout << "\nHave Been Added To The Linked List!\n\n";
void List::Display()
cout << "[Display]~\n";
if (!startList) //no list
cout << "Linked List Is Empty!\n\n";
else //there is a list
current = startList;
while (current->next)
cout << "[" << current->data << "]";
current = current->next;
}//void display();
#pragma once
class List
public: //this is where functions go
void Length();
void Add();
void Display();
void GetFile();
void Directions();
void Sort();
typedef struct node
int data;
node *next;
node *prev;
Node startList = NULL;
Node current = NULL;