答案 0 :(得分:1)
而不是上面提到的更复杂的<div id="tracking-area">
<div id="transformation-area">
免责声明:以下代码仅供参考,可能不完全符合最佳行业最佳做法,可能不适合生产使用。它已在Google Chrome版本57.0.2987.133中进行了测试,可能依赖于其他或旧版浏览器不支持的功能。
<强> HTML
body {
// Padding & margins
margin: 0;
// Background
background-color: silver;
#tracking-area {
// Display & position
position: relative;
// Dimensions
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
// Padding & margins
margin: 50px auto;
// Border
border: 1px solid gray;
#transformation-area {
// Display & position
position: absolute;
top: 100px;
left: 100px;
// Dimensions
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
// Background
background-image: url('https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/00/7d/d2/007dd2a468e9a453da691e8e7a383973.jpg');
background-size: cover;
<强> CSS
// The following two numbers define the angles (in degrees)
// that the transformation area will be rotated at about
// X and Y axes when the cursor reaches the right (for Y)
// and the top (for X) borders of the tracking area.
var maxRotationDegreesX = 60;
var maxRotationDegreesY = 60;
// This effectively defines the distance along X axis between
// the reference point and the projection plane. The greater the
// number, the greater the transformation area's projection
// is deformed due to perspective.
var perspectivePx = 600;
$(document).ready(function () {
// These variables are requried to translate screen coordinates
// supplied by mouse event into the coordinate system with
// its reference point placed in the center of the tracking area.
var trackingAreaShiftX = $("#tracking-area").offset().left;
var trackingAreaShiftY = $("#tracking-area").offset().top;
var halfTrackingAreaWidth = $("#tracking-area").width() / 2;
var halfTrackingAreaHeight = $("#tracking-area").height() / 2;
var mouseCoordinateCorrectionX = trackingAreaShiftX + halfTrackingAreaWidth;
var mouseCoordinateCorrectionY = trackingAreaShiftY + halfTrackingAreaHeight;
$("#tracking-area").on("mousemove", function () {
// Translate cooridnates of the mouse ponter
var x = event.clientX - mouseCoordinateCorrectionX;
var y = event.clientY - mouseCoordinateCorrectionY;
// Calculate degrees of rotation with respect to their maximum values
var rotationY = x * maxRotationDegreesX / halfTrackingAreaWidth;
var rotationX = -y * maxRotationDegreesY / halfTrackingAreaHeight;
// Construct CSS transform setting string
var transform = `perspective(${perspectivePx}px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, ${rotationX}deg) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, ${rotationY}deg)`;
// Apply the transformation
$("#transformation-area").css("-webkit-transform", transform);
$("#transformation-area").css("-moz-transform", transform);
$("#transformation-area").css("-ms-transform", transform);
$("#transformation-area").css("-o-transform", transform);
$("#transformation-area").css("transform", transform);
<强> 的JavaScript