
时间:2017-04-12 13:53:19

标签: scala type-conversion



trait UberSomething {
  val name: String
// these may be located in different files
case class Something(name: String) extends UberSomething
case class SomethingOther(name: String) extends UberSomething

val s = Something("wtv")
//s.asInstanceOf[SomethingOther] FAILS

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


trait UberSomething {
  def name: String
// these maybe in different files
case class Something(name: String) extends UberSomething
case class SomethingOther(name: String) extends UberSomething

import shapeless._, ops.hlist.Align


class Convert[Target] {
  def apply[Source, HLS <: HList, HLT <: HList](s: Source)(implicit

    // Convert the Source to an HList type
    // include field names, e.g "labelled"
    // Shapeless "generates" this using an implicit macro
    // it looks at our type, extracts a list of (Name, Type) pairs
    genS: LabelledGeneric.Aux[Source, HLS],

    // Convert the Target o an HList type
    // include field names, e.g "labelled"
    // So again we have a (Name, Type) list of pairs this time for Target
    genT: LabelledGeneric.Aux[Target, HLT],

    // Use an implicit align to make sure the two HLists
    // contain the same set of (Name, Type) pairs in arbitrary order.
    align: Align[HLS, HLT]
  ) = genT from align(genS to s)
// Small trick to guarantee conversion only requires
// a single type argument, otherwise we'd have to put something
// in place for HLS and HLT, which are meant to be path dependant
// and "calculated" by the LabelledGeneric.Repr macro so it wouldn't work as it breaches the "Aux pattern", which exposes a type member materialized by a macro in this case.
// HLT and HLS come from within genS.Repr and genT.Repr.
def convert[T] = new Convert[T]


val sample = Something("bla")
convert[SomethingOther](sample) // SomethingOther("bla")

让我们回顾一下这一行:genT from align(genS to s)

  • 首先genS to sSource个实例转换为LabelledGeneric,例如HList的字段信息。

  • 对齐HList类型的已创建Source的类型和字段,以匹配Target类型。

  • genT from ..允许我们从Target创建HList的实例,授予编译器可以&#34;证明&#34;字段和类型是&#34;所有&#34;,这是Align已经存在的内容。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


trait UberSomething {
  val name: String

case class Something(name: String) extends UberSomething
case class SomethingOther(name: String) extends UberSomething

object Something {
  implicit def somethingToSomethingOther(s:Something):SomethingOther = SomethingOther(
object SomethingOther {
  implicit def somethingOtherToSomething(s:SomethingOther):Something = Something(

val s = Something("wtv")
val so:SomethingOther = s