然而,每当我运行我的程序时,它似乎跳过文本文件中的第一个占位符,它转到第二个占位符然后从那里正确运行。我不确定为什么会这样做,我已经尝试过查看较旧的帖子,但他们的答案只是告诉他们放另一个" output.nextLine()"低于他们的代码,但这只会增加我的问题。有没有人有解决方案?
public class MadLib {
public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException{
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
Scanner console1 = new Scanner(System.in);
game(console, console1);
public static void introduction(){
System.out.println("Welcome to the game of Mad Libs.\n" +
"I will ask you to provide various words\n" +
"and phrases to fill in a story.\n" +
"The result will be written to an output file.");
public static void game(Scanner console, Scanner console1)throws IOException{
System.out.print("(C)reate mad-lib, (V)iew mad-lib, (Q)uit? ");
String answer = console.next();
answer = answer.toLowerCase();
System.out.print("Input file name: ");
String fileName = console.nextLine();
File file = new File(fileName);
fileName = console.next();
file = new File(fileName);
System.out.print("File not found. Try again: ");
System.out.print("Output file name: ");
String outFileName = console1.nextLine();
File outFile = new File(outFileName);
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(outFile);
Scanner lineScan = new Scanner(file);
String s = "";
while (lineScan.hasNext()){
String token = lineScan.next();
if(token.charAt(0) == '<' && token.charAt(token.length()-1) == '>') {
String placeHolder = token;
String newWord = generator(console, token, placeHolder);
s = s + newWord + " ";
token = token;
s = s + token + " ";
System.out.println("Your mad-lib has been created!");
game(console, console1);
System.out.print("Input file name: ");
String fileName = console.nextLine();
File file = new File(fileName);
fileName = console.next();
file = new File(fileName);
System.out.print("File not found. Try again: ");
Scanner input = new Scanner(file);
String word = input.nextLine();
game(console, console1);
game(console, console1);
public static String checkPlaceHolder(Scanner console, Scanner lineScan, String token) throws IOException {
if(lineScan.hasNext() && (token.startsWith("<") && token.endsWith(">"))) {
String placeHolder = token;
return placeHolder;
token = token;
return token;
public static String generator(Scanner console, String token, String placeHolder) throws IOException{
String word = placeHolder.replace("<", "").replace(">", ": ").replace("-", " ");
if (String.valueOf(word.charAt(0)).equalsIgnoreCase("a") || String.valueOf(word.charAt(0)).equalsIgnoreCase("e") || String.valueOf(word.charAt(0)).equalsIgnoreCase("i") || String.valueOf(word.charAt(0)).equalsIgnoreCase("o") || String.valueOf(word.charAt(0)).equalsIgnoreCase("u")) {
String prevWord = "an ";
System.out.print("Please type " + prevWord + word);
String newWord = console.nextLine();
return newWord;
else {
String prevWord = "a ";
System.out.print("Please type " + prevWord + word);
String newWord = console.nextLine();
return newWord;
文本文件说明: 1)将这些内容复制并粘贴到文本文件中,并将其放在项目文件夹中 2)在输入&#34; c&#34;之后提示输入文件时要创建一个新的madlib,请引用文本文件的名称和inlucde .txt 3)然后输入将创建的新文件的名称以保存程序的输出并包括.txt
I wannabe a <job> when I grow up.
Just like my dad.
Life is <adjective> like that
One of the most <adjective> characters in fiction is named
"Tarzan of the <plural-noun> ." Tarzan was raised by a/an
<noun> and lives in the <adjective> jungle in the
heart of darkest <place> . He spends most of his time
eating <plural-noun> and swinging from tree to <noun> .
Whenever he gets angry, he beats on his chest and says,
" <funny-noise> !" This is his war cry. Tarzan always dresses in
<adjective> shorts made from the skin of a/an <noun>
and his best friend is a/an <adjective> chimpanzee named
Cheetah. He is supposed to be able to speak to elephants and
<plural-noun> . In the movies, Tarzan is played by <person's-name> .