
时间:2017-04-11 07:33:24

标签: javascript fullcalendar

以下代码来自FullCalendar的Custom View文档。这似乎是一个很好的开始,但对于像我这样的新人来说,拥有一些基本代码可以呈现最简单的自定义视图(有一些事件)会非常有用。他们告诉你将BasicView和AgendaView作为参考,但它有点超出我的理解。是否需要在自定义类中重写每个函数?



我的目标是构建一个日期列表,按顺序列出当天所有事件的可滚动div(其中每个条目最终将充分利用数据和CSS样式 - 我不确定listDay是否允许对于这种类型的定制??)。

var FC = $.fullCalendar; // a reference to FullCalendar's root namespace
var View = FC.View;      // the class that all views must inherit from
var CustomView;          // our subclass

CustomView = View.extend({ // make a subclass of View

    initialize: function() {
        // called once when the view is instantiated, when the user switches to the view.
        // initialize member variables or do other setup tasks.

    render: function() {
        // responsible for displaying the skeleton of the view within the already-defined
        // this.el, a jQuery element.

    setHeight: function(height, isAuto) {
        // responsible for adjusting the pixel-height of the view. if isAuto is true, the
        // view may be its natural height, and `height` becomes merely a suggestion.

    renderEvents: function(events) {
        // reponsible for rendering the given Event Objects

    destroyEvents: function() {
        // responsible for undoing everything in renderEvents

    renderSelection: function(range) {
        // accepts a {start,end} object made of Moments, and must render the selection

    destroySelection: function() {
        // responsible for undoing everything in renderSelection


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仅提及这些变化: 在日历初始化程序中,添加了视图定义

    views: {
            CustomView: {
                type: 'custom',
                buttonText: 'my Custom View',
                click:  $('#calendar').fullCalendar('changeView', 'CustomView')


 $('.fc-view').append("<div>Insert your content here</div").css("background", "red");


var myEvents=$('#calendar').fullCalendar('clientEvents');
